Class pvr.widget.editors.mixins._EditorMixin.

Extends pvr.logging._LoggerMixin.
Provides the basic mix-in class for an editor widget. All editor widgets must mix in this class.

pvr.widget.editors.mixins._EditorMixin provides a standardized interface all communication between the pvr.widget.Property widget and the editor widget.

pvr.widget.editors.mixins._EditorMixin also extends the dijit lifecycle to include new lifecycle events for initializing the editor widget.

pvr.widget.editors.mixins._EditorMixin also provides a framework for widget sizing that allows all editor widgets to conform to their configured field width settings while adapting to the size of their containers.

Defined in: <pvr\widget\editors\mixins\_EditorMixin.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class pvr.logging._LoggerMixin:
logDebug, logEntry, logError, logExit, logInfo, logWarning

Constructor Detail
