Class idx.widget._MaximizeMixin

Mix-in class to provide methods to maximize and restore widget. Maximizing and restoring behavior can be animated.
Defined in: <idx\widget\_MaximizeMixin.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Duration of transition.
Specifies whether to maximize in place for already absolute positioned nodes.
Specifies whether to use animation for transition.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
maximize(node, target)
Maximizes a node to fit the target node
Restores the maximized node.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{Number} duration

Duration of transition.
Default Value:

{Boolean} inPlace

Specifies whether to maximize in place for already absolute positioned nodes.
Default Value:

{Boolean} useAnimation

Specifies whether to use animation for transition.
Default Value:

Method Detail

maximize(node, target)

Maximizes a node to fit the target node
{Element} node
{Element} target


Restores the maximized node.