Class idx.layout.OpenMenuTabContainer

Extends dijit.layout.TabContainer.
idx.layout.OpenMenuTabContainer specializes the TabContainer by letting the user configure the maximum number of tabs that appear on the tab strip when the tab container is loaded, using new parm of "numinit" with a default value of 3. Also sets the controllerWidget to the new "idx.layout.OpenMenuTabController" if object instance variable flag "useMenu" is true.
Defined in: <idx\layout\OpenMenuTabContainer.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
CSS style for this widget
Indicates # of tabs to show initially Normalized in controller
Provides a hint at the placement of the OpenMenuTabContainer to aid in styling the container appropriately.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Default constructor

Constructor Detail



Field Detail

{String} idxBaseClass

CSS style for this widget
Default Value:

{int} numinit

Indicates # of tabs to show initially Normalized in controller
Default Value:
3 (in constructor)

{String} placement

Provides a hint at the placement of the OpenMenuTabContainer to aid in styling the container appropriately. Possible values are "standard" (the default) and "header".
Default Value:

Method Detail



Default constructor
{Object} args
Init data fields: numinit - 3