Class idx.form.CheckBoxList

Extends dijit._Container, dijit.form._FormSelectWidget, idx.form._CompositeMixin, idx.form._CssStateMixin, idx.form._InputListMixin, idx.form._ValidationMixin.
idx.form.CheckBoxList is a composit widget which consists of a group of checkboxes. CheckBoxList can be created in the same way of creating a dijit.form.Select control. The only difference is that more than one options can be marked as selected. NOTE: The "startup" method should be called after a CheckBoxList is created in Javascript. In order to get the value of the checkboxes, you don't need to invoke the get("value") method of each checkbox anymore, but simply call get("value") method of the CheckBoxList. As a composite widget, it also provides following features:

Defined in: <idx\form\CheckBoxList.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
fieldWidth, help, hint, hintPosition, label, labelAlignment, labelWidth, required, unit
Fields borrowed from class idx.form._ValidationMixin:
instantValidate, invalidMessage, missingMessage, tooltipPosition

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Multiple set false in CheckBoxList Single Selection
Methods borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
_setFieldWidthAttr, _setHintAttr, _setLabelAlignmentAttr, _setLabelAttr, _setLabelWidthAttr, _setRequiredAttr, _setUnitAttr, reset, resize, validateAndFocus
Methods borrowed from class idx.form._ValidationMixin:
_isEmpty, _isValid, displayMessage, getErrorMessage, isValid, refocus, validate

Constructor Detail


	new idx.form.CheckBoxList({
	options: [
			{ label: 'foo', value: 'foo', selected: true },
			{ label: 'bar', value: 'bar' },
	<select jsId="cbl" data-dojo-type="oneui.form.CheckBoxList" data-dojo-props='
		name="cbl", label="CheckBoxList:", value="foo"'>
		<option value="foo">foo
		<option value="bar">bar
Store Based:
	var data = {
		identifier: "value",
		label: "label",
		items: [
			{value: "AL", label: "Alabama"},
			{value: "AK", label: "Alaska"}
	var readStore = new{data: data});
	var cbl = new idx.form.CheckBoxList({
		store: readStore

Method Detail



Multiple set false in CheckBoxList Single Selection
{option} Object

