Class idx.widget.PersonCard

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
Person card rendering properties fetched from profile service or given as value attribute.
Defined in: <idx\widget\PersonCard.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
JSONP callback name for profile service.
HTTP Method for profile service.
Text to be rendered for "sametime.awareness" when sametime client is not available.
Qeury parameters for profile service.
Specifies the list of properties to render.
URL for profile service.
Properties to render.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
render(prop, value)
Renders a property.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{String} jsonp

JSONP callback name for profile service.
Default Value:

{String} method

HTTP Method for profile service. Effective only when "jsonp" is omitted.
Default Value:

{String} placeHolder

Text to be rendered for "sametime.awareness" when sametime client is not available.
Default Value:
" "

{Object} query

Qeury parameters for profile service.
Default Value:

{Array} spec

Specifies the list of properties to render. Dotted notation specifies sub-property for a nested object property.
Default Value:
["photo", "fn", "title", "", "", "email.internet"]

{String} url

URL for profile service.
Default Value:

{Object} value

Properties to render.
Default Value:

Method Detail

render(prop, value)

Renders a property. This method can be overridden to implement custom rendering for specific properties.
{String} prop
Property name.
{Object} value
Object containing properties.