Class pvd.widget.editors.settings.helpers.EditorSettingsHelper

Extends pvd.widget.settings.helpers.SettingsHelper.
Extends pvd.widget.settings.helpers.SettingsHelper to provide additional services for property editor widgets.
Defined in: <pvd\widget\editors\settings\helpers\EditorSettingsHelper.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The editor widget.
Indicates whether the editor widget is the inner editor widget.
The property widget.
Fields borrowed from class pvd.widget.settings.helpers.SettingsHelper:
controls, settingsGroups, widget

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
constructor(property, settingsGroups, editorWidget, forInnderEditor)
Creates a pvd.widget.editors.settings.helpers.EditorSettingsHelper object for the specified property widget and editor widget.
Updates the editor in the canvas and the defaultValue, minValue and maxValue controls in the settings panel.
updateSetting(name, value, updateEditor)
Overloaded to update the editor if specified.
Methods borrowed from class pvd.widget.settings.helpers.SettingsHelper:
activateSettings, addResources, commitToChangeHistory, createMarkup, deactivateSettings, forEachControl, getControl, getSetting, getSettings, getSettingsGroups, refreshSettings

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{object} editorWidget

The editor widget.

{object} forInnerEditor

Indicates whether the editor widget is the inner editor widget.

{object} property

The property widget.

Method Detail

constructor(property, settingsGroups, editorWidget, forInnderEditor)

Creates a pvd.widget.editors.settings.helpers.EditorSettingsHelper object for the specified property widget and editor widget.

pvd.widget.editors.settings.helpers.EditorSettingsHelper objects are created automatically by the property widget. You should never create an editor settings helper object directly.

The property widget.
The collection of pvd.widget.designer.SettingsGroup objects associated with the property widget.
The editor widget.
Indicates whether the editor widget is the inner editor widget.


Updates the editor in the canvas and the defaultValue, minValue and maxValue controls in the settings panel.
The setting name.

updateSetting(name, value, updateEditor)

Overloaded to update the editor if specified.
The setting name.
The setting value.
Indicates whether to update the editor.