Class idx.form._ValidationMixin

Mix-in class to enable form widget perform validation, implemented according to IBM One UI(tm) Validation.
Defined in: <idx\form\_ValidationMixin.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Configurable flag of the validation timing, the widget fires validation when widget get input by setting true, fire validation when widget get blur by setting false.
The message to display if value is invalid
The message to display if value is empty and the field is required
Indicate whether this widget must have a value
The position of the hoverhelpTooltip

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Checks if value is empty.
Tests if value is valid.
displayMessage(message, force)
Show error message using a hoverHelpTooltip, hide the tooltip if message is empty.
Return proper error message according to the error type
Extension point for user customizing validation rules.
Perform validation for the widget, called by "input" event if "instantValidate" setting to true, called by "blur" event if "instantValidate" setting to false.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{boolean} instantValidate

Configurable flag of the validation timing, the widget fires validation when widget get input by setting true, fire validation when widget get blur by setting false.
Default Value:

{String} invalidMessage

The message to display if value is invalid

{String} missingMessage

The message to display if value is empty and the field is required

{boolean} required

Indicate whether this widget must have a value
Default Value:

{String[]} tooltipPosition

The position of the hoverhelpTooltip

Method Detail


Checks if value is empty. Should be override with the routine in a subclass


Tests if value is valid. Can override with the routine in a subclass.
{boolean} isFocused
If the widget focused

displayMessage(message, force)

Show error message using a hoverHelpTooltip, hide the tooltip if message is empty. Overridable method to display validation errors/hints. By default uses a hoverHelpTooltip.
{string} message
Error message
{boolean} force
Force displaying message if the value is true, no matter if the widget got focus or not.


Return proper error message according to the error type
{boolean} isFocused


Extension point for user customizing validation rules.
{boolean} isFocused





Perform validation for the widget, called by "input" event if "instantValidate" setting to true, called by "blur" event if "instantValidate" setting to false.
{boolean} isFocused