Class idx.widget.EditController

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
Provides a button/link to trigger "edit" feature which then switches to multiple buttons for "save" and "cancel" of editing along with appropriate events. This is typically used with inline editing.
Defined in: <idx\widget\EditController.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The label to use for the cancel button if editing.
Flag indicating if the controller is in disabled mode.
The ID of the node controlled by this controller when in edit mode.
The label to use for the save button if editting.
The ID of the node controlled by this controller when in read mode.
Flag indicating if the controller is in read-only mode.
The label to use for the save button if editing.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Overridden to lookup default resources.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
Handles destroying handles from linked editors.
linkEditor(widget, options)
Links the specified editor widget this with this widget.
This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the cancel button has been clicked.
This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the edit link has been clicked.
This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified after the "onSave()" function has returned and completed.
This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified before the "onSave()" function has been called.
This function is called whenever the widget resizes itself.
This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the save button has been clicked.
postCreate - extended to create dojo handles to internal buttons
Called at startup to init contained buttons
Unlinks the specified widget (or widget identified by the specified ID) from this edit controller.

Constructor Detail


	   Example usage:
		<div dojoType="idx.grid.PropertyGrid" 
	       data="{givenName: 'Joe', surname: 'Schmoe', age: 31, birthDate: new Date(1980,0,1)}"

Field Detail

{String} cancelLabel

The label to use for the cancel button if editing. If not specified then the default is taken from idx.resources using the "cancelLabel" key and the "idx.widget.EditController" scope.
Default Value:

{boolean} disabled

Flag indicating if the controller is in disabled mode.
Default Value:


The ID of the node controlled by this controller when in edit mode.

{String} editLabel

The label to use for the save button if editting. If not specified then the default is taken from idx.resources using the "editLabel" key and the "idx.widget.EditController" scope.
Default Value:


The ID of the node controlled by this controller when in read mode.

{boolean} readOnly

Flag indicating if the controller is in read-only mode.
Default Value:

{String} saveLabel

The label to use for the save button if editing. If not specified then the default is taken from idx.resources using the "saveLabel" key and the "idx.widget.EditController" scope.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Overridden to lookup default resources.

constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node


Handles destroying handles from linked editors.

linkEditor(widget, options)

Links the specified editor widget this with this widget.
The editor to link with this widget.
The options parameter optionally contains one or more of the following: - changeEvent: The name of the function to attach to when changes occur in the editor. - validCheck: The function, function name or attribute name to check to see if the editor's value is valid, if none then always assumed valid - onEdit: What to do when entering "edit mode". Either a function to call, a function name for a function to call on the editor, or object containing "attribute" and "value" fields indicating an attribute of the editor to be set to the specified value upon editing. - onPreSave: What to do after save is click, but before the "onSave" fires. Either a function to call, a function name for a function to call on the editor, or object containing "attribute" and "value" fields indicating an attribute of the editor to be set to the specified value upon pre-save. - onSave: What to do when entering saved. Either a function to call, a function name for a function to call on the editor, or object containing "attribute" and "value" fields indicating an attribute of the editor to be set to the specified value upon save. - onPostSave: What to do after save is click, and after the "onSave" fires. Either a function to call, a function name for a function to call on the editor, or object containing "attribute" and "value" fields indicating an attribute of the editor to be set to the specified value upon post-save. - onCancel: What to do when cancelling edit. Either a function to call, a function name for a function to call on the editor, or object containing "attribute" and "value" fields indicating an attribute of the editor to be set to the specified value upon cancel. - readNodeIDs: For accessibility, the comma-separated string list of node IDs indicating which nodes are "aria-controls" by this widget's "edit" link. - editNodeIDs: For accessibility, the comma-separated string list of node IDs indicating which nodes are "aria-controls" by this widget's "save" and "cancel" buttons.


This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the cancel button has been clicked.


This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the edit link has been clicked.


This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified after the "onSave()" function has returned and completed. This should occur AFTER all those attached to the "onSave()" function have been notified of the "save button" click and therefore after all saving has been completed.


This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified before the "onSave()" function has been called. This should occur BEFORE all those attached to the "onSave()" function have been notified of the "save button" click and therefore before any saving has occurred.


This function is called whenever the widget resizes itself.


This function exists so you can attach to it to be notified whenever the save button has been clicked.


postCreate - extended to create dojo handles to internal buttons


Called at startup to init contained buttons


Unlinks the specified widget (or widget identified by the specified ID) from this edit controller.
The widget or String ID of the widget to be unlinked.