Class ecm.widget.taskManager.BaseTaskCreationDialog

Extends ecm.widget.taskManager.BaseAccordionWizardDialog.
The base task creation dialog that custom tasks can extend. This dialog will prompt users to input values to schedule a task. Plug-in writers can add additional dijits to this dialog to prompt for additional information. Once inputs are done, plug-in writers can call this.taskSchedulerPane.get("schedule") to obtain an ecm.model.AsyncTaskSchedule model object which can be used to pass into Desktop.taskManager.scheduleAsyncTask() to schedule a new task. If users do not want to use this dialog, they can also prompt their own dialog of any type as well. They can do this by putting the appropriate custom dialog dijit in the custom task's AsyncTaskType that is registered with the plugin.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\taskManager\BaseTaskCreationDialog.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The ecm.model.AsyncTaskType this dialog is trying to create.
The finish label string that will appear in this dialog.
The task parameters that will be passed into the task manager when scheduling the task.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Event invoked before scheduling starts.
Event invoked when the schedule button is invoked.
Event invoked when the wizard has finished scheduling a task.
Creates and initializes this dialog.
Resizes this dialog
Shows the task creation dialog
Returns true if this dialog contains all valid values.

Constructor Detail



Field Detail


The ecm.model.AsyncTaskType this dialog is trying to create.


The finish label string that will appear in this dialog.


The task parameters that will be passed into the task manager when scheduling the task. You can store information in here that can be accessed by the custom task.

Method Detail


Event invoked before scheduling starts. Users can add parameters to the taskParameters at this point.


Event invoked when the schedule button is invoked. This will cause the task to be scheduled by the taskmanager.


Event invoked when the wizard has finished scheduling a task.


Creates and initializes this dialog.


Resizes this dialog


Shows the task creation dialog


Returns true if this dialog contains all valid values. Returns false if it does not. If it is false, it will also set an error message on the dialog indicating the reason for the non-successful validation.