Class pvr.controller.validators.MockValidator

Extends pvr.controller.validators._Validator.
Extends pvr.controller.validators._Validator to support run-time data types that cannot be supported in the view designer.

Some applications include the view designer and the view runtime in separate web applications. In such cases there may be value types that cannot be modeled in the designer component due to missing dependencies. In such cases, "mock" data types and their associated controllers can be used in the view designer as a proxy for their runtime counterparts. This is done by registering the mock controller class as the controllerClass for the particular data type in the view designer's integration configuration object.

A customer may choose to create a custom "mock" controller implementation, or they may choose to use the built-in pvr.controller.types.MockController class with its associated pvr.controller.validators.MockValidator class.

The pvr.controller.validators.MockValidator class performs no validation.

Defined in: <pvr\controller\validators\MockValidator.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
validate(value, ignoreChoices)
Validate the specified value.
Methods borrowed from class pvr.logging._LoggerMixin:
logDebug, logEntry, logError, logExit, logInfo, logWarning

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

validate(value, ignoreChoices)

Validate the specified value.
The value.
Indicates whether choices should be considered in the validation.
The validation error message or null if valid.