Class idx.layout.MenuTabController

Extends dijit.layout.ScrollingTabController.
The MenuTabController widget provides a tab controller with support for drop-down menus on tabs. It is an extension of dijit.layout.ScrollingTabController, and supports a new 'popup' property on each content pane in the associated dijit.layout.StackContainer.

To add a drop-down menu to a tab, create a menu widget and assign it to the 'popup' property of the content pane for the tab in the associated dijit.layout.StackContainer. A drop-down arrow affordance will be added to the tab. Clicking the drop-down arrow, or using right-click or Shift+F10 on the tab, will cause the drop-down menu to be shown.

Note that if the 'closeable' property is set to true on a content pane that also has a 'popup' set, the corresponding tab will also be closeable and will show a close affordance alongside the drop-down arrow affordance. However, the drop-down menu will replace the automatic menu containing a 'Close' item, so in order to maintain keyboard access to the close function a suitable action item should be included in the drop-down menu that is supplied.

Defined in: <idx\layout\MenuTabController.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates an idx.layout.MenuTabController

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
onAddChild(page, insertIndex)
showPagePopup(pageID, e)
Pop up the drop down menu, can be called directly

Constructor Detail


Creates an idx.layout.MenuTabController

Method Detail


onAddChild(page, insertIndex)




showPagePopup(pageID, e)

Pop up the drop down menu, can be called directly
Point the tab which has the menu
Mouse click event, can be undefined