Class idx.widget.SingleMessage

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget, dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin.
SingleMessage is implemented according to IBM One UI(tm) Messaging Standard. It provides a convenient way to create One UI compliant messages in a designated area. SingleMessage is highly configurable with following options:

Defined in: <idx\widget\SingleMessage.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The text of the action link.
'closable' decides whether the SingleMessage can be closed.
'collapsed' decides whether the explanation part is hidden.
The timestamp of a Single Message.
The options being used for format the timestamp.
The explanation of a SingleMessage.
The ID of a SingleMessage.
The message number to be put in the View All link 'View All(n)'.
'showAction' decides whether to show the action link (ususally, it's View All link).
'showDetailsLink' decides whether to show the More Details link in the message description part.
'showId' decides whether to show the message ID.
'showRefresh' decides whether to show the refresh link in the message description part.
'showTimestamp' decides whether to show the timestamp.
The message text of a SingleMessage.
The type of a Single Message.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Constructor Initialize the Object variable in new Instance
Event triggered when action link 'View All' is clicked.
Event triggered when message title is clicked.
Event triggered when the close button is clicked.
Event triggered when mouse enter the icon image.
Event triggered when mouse leave the icon image.
Event triggered when action link 'More Details' is clicked.
Event triggered when action link 'Refresh' is clicked.
Ajust the content of the SingleMessage.

Constructor Detail


Programmatic Example:
new idx.widget.SingleMessage({
 type: 'error',
 title: 'Error message with long timestamp',
 dateFormat: {datePattern: 'dd MMMM y  ', timePattern: 'hh:mm a'},
 messageId: 'CAT123456',
 messageNumber: 7,
 style: 'width: 970px;',
 description: 'Here is the detail message description, it can be configured via setting the \'description\' parameter of a SingleMessage widget. By default the message description is the same as the message title.'
}, domNode);
Declarative Example:
   <div data-dojo-type="idx.widget.SingleMessage" data-dojo-props="type: 'error', title: 'Error message with long timestamp',
   dateFormat:{datePattern: 'dd MMMM y  ', timePattern: 'hh:mm a'}, messageId: 'CAT123456', messageNumber: 7, style: 'width: 970px;', description: 'Here is the detail message description, it can be configured via setting the \'description\' parameter of a SingleMessage widget. By default the message description is the same as the message title.'">