Class ecm.widget.listView.gridModules.DndRowCopy

Extends ecm.widget.listView.gridModules.DndRowMoveCopy.
This module provides dnd capability for the row, checking for security when hover over a row, & providing copy action when dropping. When the drag starts, the icon is placed in copyOnly mode. The user can only copy, they cannot move. This module extends ./DndRowMoveCopy. It adds the capability of forcing the avatar into copy only mode.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\listView\gridModules\DndRowCopy.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class ecm.widget.listView.gridModules.DndRow:

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns boolean indicating if the drag should start in "copy" mode.
Methods borrowed from class ecm.widget.listView.gridModules.DndRowMoveCopy:
canDrop, onDrop, preload
Methods borrowed from class ecm.widget.listView.gridModules.DndRow:
destroy, isDraggingAllowed, setTree

Constructor Detail


Method Detail


Returns boolean indicating if the drag should start in "copy" mode. Can be used by other modules to determine dnd support.