Class idx.form.Link

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
Simple link for application to handle as a widget. Optional attributes are provided to control disabled and selected states.
Defined in: <idx\form\Link.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Alternative text.
Base CSS class.
Stops the click event propagation.
Specifies the disabled state.
URL for the link.
Derived CSS class.
Label string.
Specifies the selected state.
Tab index.
Target for the link.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Handles focus.
Callback called when the link is clicked.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{String} alt

Alternative text.
Default Value:

{String} baseClass

Base CSS class.
Default Value:

{Boolean} bubbleClickEvent

Stops the click event propagation. In cases where a click listener is added to a parent and not to the Link directly you need the event to bubble. For instance, a Link rendered for each row in a grid, you may want to avoid listeners on each and every link and just have a single listener on the grid.
Default Value:
false, for backwards compatibility

{Boolean} disabled

Specifies the disabled state.
Default Value:

{String} href

URL for the link.
Default Value:

{String} idxBaseClass

Derived CSS class.
Default Value:

{String} label

Label string.
Default Value:

{Boolean} selected

Specifies the selected state.
Default Value:

{Number} tabIndex

Tab index.
Default Value:

{String} target

Target for the link.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Handles focus.


Callback called when the link is clicked.
{Event} event