Class idx.grid.PropertyGrid

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
Provides a two-column grid display of name/value object properties. The class provides for simple property formatting as well as complex formatting via idx.grid.PropertyFormatter. A display property may be made up of one or more actual data properties. Inline editing is also supported at the individual property level (via PropertyFormatter) or at the grid level (allowing for a single "Edit" button to control editing). Internal widget class used by idx.grid.PropertyGrid to manage its rows.
Defined in: <idx\grid\PropertyGrid.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The data object for this instance.
A reference to or the string ID of the idx.widget.EditController to be used for this instance.
Overrides the "format" attribute by providing a function to call to format the data object directly.
The prefix to attach to the property names when looking up the label for that field in the resources.
The suffix to attach to the property names when looking up the label for that field in the resources.
A comma separated list of property names from the data object to be formatted by this instance.
Indicates whether or not the property grid should use the property names directly as labels rather than trying to lookup them in resources or format them nicely.
The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addChild(child, index)
Extends parent method by setting up child widgets and rebuilding rows.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
Cleans up the widgets in the hidden node.
onChange(data, grid, formatter)
Called whenever the fields of the existing data object are modified, but not when the data object itself is changed.
Called whenever the edit controller changed
Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the resources are reset.
Exposes reformat method for public access.
removeChild(child, index)
Extends parent method by setting up child widgets and rebuilding rows.
Called at startup to set state, setup children and rebuild rows.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{Object} data

The data object for this instance.
Default Value:

{Object} editController

A reference to or the string ID of the idx.widget.EditController to be used for this instance. If none is specified the the contained PropertyFormatter instance may create their own EditController to accomodate contained editors. See idx.widget.EditController.
Default Value:

{String} formatFunc

Overrides the "format" attribute by providing a function to call to format the data object directly. The property name and the data object itself are passed as parameters to this function and it is expected to return a string. If this function returns null, then the default formatting for the property is used.
Default Value:

{String} labelKeyPrefix

The prefix to attach to the property names when looking up the label for that field in the resources. If not specified the value is taken from the resources using the "labelKeyPrefix" key. The default value is empty string.
Default Value:

{String} labelKeySuffix

The suffix to attach to the property names when looking up the label for that field in the resources. If not specified the value is taken from the resources using the "labelKeyPrefix" key. The default value is empty string.
Default Value:

{String} properties

A comma separated list of property names from the data object to be formatted by this instance. This can be a single property name, a simple list of property names, or a property name with type name in parentheses following it.
     For example:
       EXAMPLE 1 (single property name): "givenName"
       EXAMPLE 2 (list of property names):  "givenName,surname,age,birthDate"
       EXAMPLE 3 (property with type): "startTime(time)"
       EXAMPLE 4 (assorted list):  "givenName,surname,age(int),birthDate(date)"
       The legal format types are:
          - txt:      assumes literal text (default for string properties)   
          - dat:      uses date formatting (default for date properties)
          - tim:      uses time formatting
          - dtm:      uses date-time formatting
          - dec:      uses decimal formatting (default for numeric properties)
          - int:      uses integer formatting
          - pct:      uses percentage formatting
          - cur:      uses currency formatting
Default Value:

{Boolean} rawLabels

Indicates whether or not the property grid should use the property names directly as labels rather than trying to lookup them in resources or format them nicely.
Default Value:

{String} resources

The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties. The resources that are used by this include: - labelKeyPrefix: the default prefix for the key used to lookup labels - labelKeySuffix: the default suffix for the key used to lookup labels - emptyFormat: for formatting empty values - dateFormatOptions: for formatting "dat" properties - timeFormatOptions: for formatting "tim" properties - dateTimeFormatOptions: for formatting "dtm" properties - decimalFormatOptions: for formatting "dec" properties - integerFormatOptions: for formatting "int" properties - percentFormatOptions: for formatting "pct" properties - currencyFormatOptions: for formatting "cur" properties - labelFieldSeparator: for separating labels from their fields
Default Value:

Method Detail

addChild(child, index)

Extends parent method by setting up child widgets and rebuilding rows.
{Object} child
{int} index



constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node


Cleans up the widgets in the hidden node.

onChange(data, grid, formatter)

Called whenever the fields of the existing data object are modified, but not when the data object itself is changed. That is to say that set("data", someValue) will not trigger this method. If multiple fields are changed with a single click of the "save" button from the PropertyGrid's EditController, then this method is designed to be called only once for the change to avoid multiple round trips to the server.
{Object} data
The data that was changed.
{PropertyGrid} grid
The property grid that fired the event.
{PropertyFormatter} formatter
The property formatter that triggered the event.


Called whenever the edit controller changed
{Object} controller




Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the resources are reset.


Exposes reformat method for public access. Call this method when the underlying data values have changed for the referenced data object in order to notify the PropertyGrid to reformat its displayed values with the new values. This method need not be called when changing the resources or the properties or the label prefix or suffix as these methods will automatically trigger the appropriate refresh. This method exists solely for when the data object referenced is shred by multiple objects and one object has changed the values, but this PropertyGrid may be unaware of that change.

removeChild(child, index)

Extends parent method by setting up child widgets and rebuilding rows.
{Object} child
{int} index


Called at startup to set state, setup children and rebuild rows.