Class idx.layout.ContentPane

Extends dijit.layout.ContentPane.
ContentPane enabling lazy instantiation of child widget as well as asynchronous module dependency for href'd content with embedded JavaScript and "require" calls.
Defined in: <idx\layout\ContentPane.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Parameters for the single child widget.
Single child widget class.
Flag indicating if the label should be inferred from the title in some cases.
The label to use for accessibility purposes.
Default "scriptHasHooks" to true.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Sets up CSS class.
This funtion is essentially copied from dojo.html._ContentSetter's onEnd() method to handle parsing the content.
For the most part, the onEnd() implementation was copied from dojox.html._ContentSetter.
Registers a post-parse callback to be triggered AFTER module dependencies have been loaded and AFTER the HTML markup has been parsed.
Registers a pre-parse callback to be triggered AFTER module dependencies have been loaded but BEFORE the HTML markup has been parsed.
Hook to allow href'd pages to require Dojo modules before the markup is parsed.
requireLocalization(packageName, bundleName)
Hook to allow href'd pages to require Dojo i18n modules before the markup is parsed.
This method should be called AFTER the JavaScript on the page has been executed.
Override to tear down the scriptsDeferred

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{String} contentArgs

Parameters for the single child widget.
Default Value:

{String} contentClass

Single child widget class.
Default Value:


Flag indicating if the label should be inferred from the title in some cases. Set this to false if you want the label to have to be explicitly set via the "label" attribute.


The label to use for accessibility purposes. This will be added to an off-screen node and the aria-labelledby attribute will be set on the dom node.


Default "scriptHasHooks" to true. This differs from dojox.layout.ContentPane. If using idx.layout.ContentPane, then most likely the reason is to get access to _container_.require() and _container_.requireLocalization() as well as _container_.registerPreParse() and _container_.registerPostParse()

Method Detail


Sets up CSS class.


This funtion is essentially copied from dojo.html._ContentSetter's onEnd() method to handle parsing the content. We have to delay parsing until all JavaScript in the page has been executed (potentially asycnhronously) and then after we have called the "preParse" callbacks (if any have been defined).


For the most part, the onEnd() implementation was copied from dojox.html._ContentSetter. Differences include: -- When a script is present, appending the "_scriptsExecuted" callback to the end of the script to be notified when asynchronous execution completes -- when no scripts are present ensuring processing is done synchronously and that the "preParse()" and "postParse()" functions are called.


Registers a post-parse callback to be triggered AFTER module dependencies have been loaded and AFTER the HTML markup has been parsed. Each specified callback is passed a single parameter that is an associative array of AMD-style module names to the actual module that was loaded via "require" and "requireLocalization" functions. For the "requireLocalization" function running under Dojo 1.6, an actual call to "dojo.getLocalization" is done to obtain the bundle after requiring it. Modules that were specified to "require()" function using AMD "slash notation" are excluded from the associative array if running under Dojo 1.6. Localization modules are provided under their AMD-style "dojo/i18n!" path. Example: _container_.require("dojo/dom"); // for Dojo 1.7 or later _container_.require("dijit.form.Button"); // for Dojo 1.6 or later _container_.requireLocalization("ibm.myproduct", "messages"); _container_.registerPostParse(function(modules) { // get the "dom" module for AMD or use "dojo" for legacy loader var dom = modules["dojo/dom"] ? modules["dojo/dom"] : dojo; var Button = modules["dijit/form/Button"]; // same for both AMD and legacy var bundle = modules["dojo/i18n!ibm/myproduct/nls/messages"]; var node = dom.byId("buttonNode"); // progammatically create the widget var button = new Button({label: bundle.buttonLabel}, node); }


Registers a pre-parse callback to be triggered AFTER module dependencies have been loaded but BEFORE the HTML markup has been parsed. Each specified callback is passed a single parameter that is an associative array of AMD-style module names to the actual module that was loaded via "require" and "requireLocalization" functions. For the "requireLocalization" function running under Dojo 1.6, an actual call to "dojo.getLocalization" is done to obtain the bundle after requiring it. Modules that were specified to "require()" function using AMD "slash notation" are excluded from the associative array if running under Dojo 1.6. Localization modules are provided under their AMD-style "dojo/i18n!" path. Example: var onChangeCallback = null; _container_.registerPreParse(function(modules) { // get the "dom" module for AMD or use "dojo" for legacy loader var dom = modules["dojo/dom"] ? modules["dojo/dom"] : dojo; onChangeCallback = new function(value) { var node = dom.byId("messageNode"); messageNode.innerHTML = value; } }


Hook to allow href'd pages to require Dojo modules before the markup is parsed. The specified dependency can take one of two forms: - "" -- Legacy "dot notation" for modules that are dependencies for Dojo 1.6 and above. For Dojo 1.7 and above all dots/periods (".") are replaced with forward slashes ("/"). - "foo/bar/phoo" -- AMD "slash notation" for modules that are dependencies for Dojo 1.7 and above. These modules are not loaded if running under Dojo 1.6. Example: _container_.require("dojo/dom"); // for Dojo 1.7 or later _container_.require("dijit.form.Button"); // for Dojo 1.6 or later

requireLocalization(packageName, bundleName)

Hook to allow href'd pages to require Dojo i18n modules before the markup is parsed. The dependency is specified in the legacy fashion like dojo.requireLocalization() function. If running under Dojo 1.6, the dependency is loadded using dojo.requireLocalization(). If running under Dojo 1.7 the dependency is translated into "dojo/i18n!" + packageName + "/nls/" + bundleName. Where "packageName" has every dot/period (".") replaced with a forward slash ("/"). Example: _container_.requireLocalization("ibm.myproduct", "messages");


This method should be called AFTER the JavaScript on the page has been executed. Calling this method is triggered by appending JavaScript to the JS code to trigger a callback to the "scriptExecuted" function of the idx.layout.ContentPane. The idx.layout.ContentPane in turn calls this function. Because script handling is handled by dojox.layout.ContentPane via "script" tag injection, it was found that actual script execution could happen asynchronously on some browsers. This function essentially enables a callback for when the script has finished execution.


Override to tear down the scriptsDeferred