Class idx.form.ComboBox

Extends dijit.form.ComboBox, idx.form._CompositeMixin, idx.form._CssStateMixin, idx.form._ValidationMixin.
idx.form.ComboBox is implemented according to IBM One UI(tm) Combo Boxes Standard. It is a composite widget which enhanced dijit.form.ComboBox with following features:

Defined in: <idx\form\ComboBox.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
fieldWidth, help, hint, hintPosition, label, labelAlignment, labelWidth, required, unit
Fields borrowed from class idx.form._ValidationMixin:
instantValidate, invalidMessage, missingMessage, tooltipPosition

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Override the method in _HasDropDown.js to move the attribute # Defect 9469
displayMessage(message, force)
Overridable method to display validation errors/hints
Provides a method to return focus to the widget without triggering revalidation.
Methods borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
_setFieldWidthAttr, _setHintAttr, _setLabelAlignmentAttr, _setLabelAttr, _setLabelWidthAttr, _setRequiredAttr, _setUnitAttr, postMixInProperties, reset, resize, validateAndFocus
Methods borrowed from class idx.form._ValidationMixin:
_isEmpty, _isValid, getErrorMessage, isValid, validate

Constructor Detail


Method Detail


Override the method in _HasDropDown.js to move the attribute # Defect 9469

displayMessage(message, force)

Overridable method to display validation errors/hints



Provides a method to return focus to the widget without triggering revalidation. This is typically called when the validation tooltip is closed.