Class idx.widgets

Provides extensions for all descendants of dijit._WidgetBase.
Defined in: <idx\widgets.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Replaces dijit._WidgetBase.create() function with one that calls the function defined by dijit._WidgetBase, but not before replacing all lifecycle methods with ones that gurantee calling of the "before" and "after" methods.
Used for when the the default dijit base class needs to be left unmodified, but a child widget or extension needs its a separate base class with an "idx" prefix.
The child class to be applied to children.
The explicit CSS class to be used for finding the CSS defaults for the widget.
A comma-separated list of additional CSS class names to add to the DOM node of this widget.
The CSS defaults to use of high-contrast mode is detected (i.e.
The arguments to directly mixin.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Called by all widgets after the "buildRendering" function.
Called by all widgets after the "postCreate" function.
Called by all widgets aftr the "postMixinProperties" function.
Called by all widgets after the "startup" function.
Called by all widgets prior to the "buildRendering" function.
Called by all widgets prior to the "postCreate" function.
Called by all widgets prior to the "postMixinProperties" function.
Called by all widgets prior to the "startup" function.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail


Replaces dijit._WidgetBase.create() function with one that calls the function defined by dijit._WidgetBase, but not before replacing all lifecycle methods with ones that gurantee calling of the "before" and "after" methods. This version of "create()" will also perform argument mixin with defaults determined by the CSS theme via the "idxDefaultsClass" or the defaults class derived from the "idxBaseClass".

{String} idxBaseClass

Used for when the the default dijit base class needs to be left unmodified, but a child widget or extension needs its a separate base class with an "idx" prefix.
Default Value:

{String} idxChildClass

The child class to be applied to children. This should not contain spaces or commas and should be a single CSS class.
Default Value:

{String} idxDefaultsClass

The explicit CSS class to be used for finding the CSS defaults for the widget.
Default Value:

{String} idxExtraClasses

A comma-separated list of additional CSS class names to add to the DOM node of this widget.
Default Value:

{Object|String} idxHCDefaults

The CSS defaults to use of high-contrast mode is detected (i.e.: no background image found). This can be an Object containing the properties or a String containing a query string.
Default Value:

{Object} mixinArgs

The arguments to directly mixin. This allows you to specify references to other objects for string properties if you like. These will get automatically mixed through the postMixInProperties() implementation, so if you override that function make sure to call the inherited version before doing other work.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Called by all widgets after the "buildRendering" function. This allows for "buildRendering" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets after the "postCreate" function. This allows for "postCreate" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets aftr the "postMixinProperties" function. This allows for "postMixinProperties" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets after the "startup" function. This allows for "startup" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets prior to the "buildRendering" function. This allows for "buildRendering" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets prior to the "postCreate" function. This allows for "postCreate" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets prior to the "postMixinProperties" function. This allows for "postMixinProperties" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.


Called by all widgets prior to the "startup" function. This allows for "startup" to be overridden while still maintaining the call to this function.