Class idx.bus.Subscriber

EXPERIMENTAL API: Message Bus Subscriber for use with idx.bus
Defined in: <idx\bus\Subscriber.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The optional scope for filtering the messages that are seen by the Subscriber's "handleAction" method.
Set this to true to interpret the 'subscriberScopeFilter' as a regular expression.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Constructor Initializes the subscription bus topic and handle
This method is called with whatever messages are received on the bus after having filtered them according to the scope filter.
setSubscriberScopeFilter(filter, isRegexp)
Convenience method for resetting the subscriber scope filter and its intepretation in one call.
During startup, subscribes this instance to the bus.
Actually ends subscribing to to the bus as the implementing widget may have its own startup() function.
Subscribes this instance to the bus if not already subscribed.
Unsubscribes this instance from the bus if subscribed.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{String} subscriberScopeFilter

The optional scope for filtering the messages that are seen by the Subscriber's "handleAction" method. By default this is interpretted as an exact string match on the message's scope (i.e.: only messages with this exact scope are passed on). However, the filter can be interpretted as a regular expression if subscriberScopeRegexp field is set to true.
Default Value:

{Boolean} subscriberScopeRegexp

Set this to true to interpret the 'subscriberScopeFilter' as a regular expression. By default it is set to false to indicate that an exact string match is required by subscribers.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Constructor Initializes the subscription bus topic and handle


This method is called with whatever messages are received on the bus after having filtered them according to the scope filter.
{Object} msg

setSubscriberScopeFilter(filter, isRegexp)

Convenience method for resetting the subscriber scope filter and its intepretation in one call.
{String} filter
{Boolean} isRegexp


During startup, subscribes this instance to the bus.


Actually ends subscribing to to the bus as the implementing widget may have its own startup() function. This should be called during startup.


Subscribes this instance to the bus if not already subscribed.


Unsubscribes this instance from the bus if subscribed.