
Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
The LoginFrame provides the standard login screen.
Defined in: <idx\app\LoginFrame.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The action for the form.
The name to assign to the form used by LoginFrame.
The target window/frame for the form submission if the formActio is configured and actual HTML form submission will occur.
Informational message to be displayed directly above the form's buttons.
Error message to be displayed when required input user name or password is empty or blank.
Error message dialog title when login button clicked with invalid username or password.
Message to be displayed on the cancel button.
Error dialog OK button label
Label that corresponds to the second text field in the form.
The character sequence to use as a label separator.
Label to be displayed on the submission/login button.
Label that corresponds to the first text field in the form.
Copyright statement to be displayed below the form.
Subtitle to be displayed immediately beneath
Title to be displayed above the login form.
Sets whether or not the password field will allow auto-complete.
The form field name assigned to the password field.
Regular expression for password validation that can be overridden.
Regular expression for user name and password validation that user can override.
Specifies whether this LoginFrame should include a Cancel button
Sets whether or not the user field will allow auto-complete.
The form field name assigned to the user name field.
Regular expression for user name validation that can be overridden.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Callback function when the end-user clicks the cancel button.
onSubmit(username, password)
Callback function when the end-user clicks the submit/login button.

Constructor Detail

Field Detail


The action for the form. This defaults to empty-string. If specified as a non-empty value, this URL is submitted on a hidden iframe in the LoginFrame widget. This form submission is needed by some browsers to cause credentials to be remembered for later auto-completion/auto-fill functionality. Even though submission occurs you can still handle login via the JavaScript handler. See the "onSubmit" function for how to cancel this submission as well. If this URL is left blank then no submission is done and auto-complete/auto-fill functionality and-or password vault extensions/plugins may not function properly.


The name to assign to the form used by LoginFrame.
Default Value:


The target window/frame for the form submission if the formActio is configured and actual HTML form submission will occur. By default, the form taget is set to empty-string ("") which is a special value which indicates that a hidden iframe that is part of the widget should be used as the target. The hidden iframe is handy for triggering the browser and extensions/plugins to remember the credentials for auto-fill of the form at a later date.

Alternatively, you can set this to values like "_self", "_parent", "_top", "_blank" or the name of any frame or window. Use "_self" if your login frame is a stand-alone page that submits and retrieves the application afer login in order to replace the current page wiht a new page.

{String} inactivityMessage

Informational message to be displayed directly above the form's buttons.
Default Value:
Please note, after some time of inactivity, the system will sign you out automatically and ask you to sign in again.

{String} invalidMessage

Error message to be displayed when required input user name or password is empty or blank.
Default Value:
A valid value has not been entered in both required fields."

{String} invalidMessageTitle

Error message dialog title when login button clicked with invalid username or password.
Default Value:
Invalid Login Attempt."

{String} labelCancelButton

Message to be displayed on the cancel button.
Default Value:

{String} labelOkButton

Error dialog OK button label
Default Value:

{String} labelPassword

Label that corresponds to the second text field in the form.
Default Value:

{String} labelSeparator

The character sequence to use as a label separator. Typically a colon (":") in the en_us locale.
Default Value:

{String} labelSubmitButton

Label to be displayed on the submission/login button.
Default Value:

{String} labelUserName

Label that corresponds to the first text field in the form.
Default Value:
"User name"

{String} loginCopyright

Copyright statement to be displayed below the form.

{String} loginSubTitle

Subtitle to be displayed immediately beneath
Default Value:
"Please enter your information"

{String} loginTitle

Title to be displayed above the login form.
Default Value:


Sets whether or not the password field will allow auto-complete. Use a boolean value of true to activate auto-complete for password field and a value of false to deactivate it. NOTE: activating auto-complete can make your application less secure.
Default Value:


The form field name assigned to the password field.
Default Value:

{String|RegExp} passwordPattern

Regular expression for password validation that can be overridden. This replaces the "regExp" attribute which has been deprecated. If "regExp" is provided, but "passwordPattern" is not, then "regExp" will be used. To restrict to numbers,letters and underscore, use "[\w]+"
Default Value:

{String} regExp

Regular expression for user name and password validation that user can override.
Default Value:

{boolean} showCancelButton

Specifies whether this LoginFrame should include a Cancel button
Default Value:


Sets whether or not the user field will allow auto-complete. Use a boolean value of true to activate auto-complete for user field and a value of false to deactivate it. NOTE: activating auto-complete can make your application less secure.
Default Value:


The form field name assigned to the user name field.
Default Value:

{String|RegExp} userPattern

Regular expression for user name validation that can be overridden. This replaces the "regExp" attribute which has been deprecated. If "regExp" is provided, but "userPattern" is not, then "regExp" will be used. To restrict to numbers,letters and underscore, use "[\w]+"
Default Value:

Method Detail





Callback function when the end-user clicks the cancel button. Users of this class should override this function to provide intended cancel behavior

onSubmit(username, password)

Callback function when the end-user clicks the submit/login button. Users of this class should override this function to provide intended submission behavior. If this function returns true (the default) then the form is form is submitted to a hidden iframe. To cancel form submission you can return false or alternative return a dojo/Deferred that if "resolved" will trigger form submission, but if "rejected" or "cancelled" will prevent form submission. Form submission only occurs if the "formAction" attribute is non-empty.
{String} username
The username that was entered
{String} password
The password that was entered


