
Defined in: <idx\app\A11yPrologue.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Provides a hidden-from-view prologue for accessibility.

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
If the a11yStatementURL is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link to take the user to the accessibility statement.
The URL to the application's accessibility statement so this can be launched in a new window.
If the bannerNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the banner content area.
Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the banner area with the Acccessibility Prologue.
Set this to true to open external links in their own window, and false to have external links replace the current window.
If the mainNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the main content area.
Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the main content area with the Acccessibility Prologue.
If the navigationNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the navigation content area.
Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the navigation area with the Acccessibility Prologue.
The access key for jumping to the accessibility prologue.
The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addShortcut(target, description, accessKey)
Registers a keyboard shortcut with the prologue.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
Handles cleanup of handles.
Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the resources are reset.
Unregisters a keyboard shortcut with the prologue.
Called at startup to create an idx.border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.

Constructor Detail

Provides a hidden-from-view prologue for accessibility. Other widgets interface with this widget when it exist on the page as a direct child of the "body" tag.

Field Detail

{String} a11yStatementAccessKey

If the a11yStatementURL is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link to take the user to the accessibility statement.
Default Value:


The URL to the application's accessibility statement so this can be launched in a new window.

{String} bannerAccessKey

If the bannerNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the banner content area.
Default Value:

{String|node} bannerNode

Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the banner area with the Acccessibility Prologue. If this is left as empty-string then the widget will not provide information on how to quickly access the banner area.
Default Value:

{boolean} externalLinksInOwnWindow

Set this to true to open external links in their own window, and false to have external links replace the current window. The new window names are consistent for each shortcut.
Default Value:

{String} mainAccessKey

If the mainNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the main content area.
Default Value:

{String|node} mainNode

Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the main content area with the Acccessibility Prologue. If this is left as empty-string then the widget will not provide information on how to quickly access the main content area.
Default Value:

{String} navigationAccessKey

If the navigationNode is set, then this is the access key to use to activate the link that jumps the user to the navigation content area.
Default Value:

{String|node} navigationNode

Set this value to a non-empty string ID or node to register the node for jumping to the navigation area with the Acccessibility Prologue. If this is left as empty-string then the widget will not provide information on how to quickly access the navigation area.
Default Value:

{String} prologueAccessKey

The access key for jumping to the accessibility prologue.
Default Value:

{Object} resources

The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties. The resources that are used by this are: - TBD 1 - TBD 2 - TBD 3
Default Value:

Method Detail

{String} addShortcut(target, description, accessKey)

Registers a keyboard shortcut with the prologue.
{Node|String} target
The node or anchor string for the shortcut.
{String} description
The description of the shortcut.
{String} accessKey
The access key.
{String} The ID of the shortcut for later unregistering it.

constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node


Handles cleanup of handles.


Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the resources are reset.


Unregisters a keyboard shortcut with the prologue.
{String} shortcutID
The ID of the shortcut to remove.


Called at startup to create an idx.border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.