Class ecm.widget.dialog.EFormWindow

Provides a mechanism that is used to display the IBM FileNet EForm widget in a separate browser window.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\dialog\EFormWindow.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a browser pop-up window to render the Form Template.

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Integer field holding the initial default height of the eform window to open.
String field holding a services URL that could be to another web-application
Integer field holding the initial default width of the eform window to open.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
getEFormUrl(item, formStateId)
Returns a string holding the URL for the specified form object.
An event function that is called when the form window closes and the work item has been saved.
open(item, callback)
Opens the browser pop-up window and renders the Form Template, Form Data, or document Form Policy.

Constructor Detail


Creates a browser pop-up window to render the Form Template.

Field Detail


Integer field holding the initial default height of the eform window to open.


String field holding a services URL that could be to another web-application


Integer field holding the initial default width of the eform window to open.

Method Detail

getEFormUrl(item, formStateId)

Returns a string holding the URL for the specified form object.
A ecm.model.ContentItem object, can be Form Template, Form Data, or Form Policy.
A string holding a unique forms state Id.


An event function that is called when the form window closes and the work item has been saved.
An object holding reference information.

open(item, callback)

Opens the browser pop-up window and renders the Form Template, Form Data, or document Form Policy.
A ecm.model.ContentItem object, can be Form Template, Form Data, or document Form Policy.
A function to be called after the Form Template is rendered.