Class ecm.widget.admin.PluginConfigurationPane

Provides a base class that can be extended to create a configuration interface for a plug-in.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\admin\PluginConfigurationPane.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Parameter to save the custom configuration.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Called by administration to load the configuration settings into the interface.
An event to indicate when the settings displayed in the configuration pane have changed such that they need to be saved.
Called by administration to save the configuration settings displayed by this interface.
Called by administration to validate the current values in the plug-in configuration interface.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail


Parameter to save the custom configuration.

Method Detail


Called by administration to load the configuration settings into the interface. Plug-in writers should override this method to load the settings for the plug-in's configuration into the configuration interface. This might also be called by administration to reset the settings displayed in the configuration interface.
A function to be invoked when the load completes.


An event to indicate when the settings displayed in the configuration pane have changed such that they need to be saved. This event is listened to by the administration to determine when to enable the save button.
A boolean, true if save is needed, and false if not.


Called by administration to save the configuration settings displayed by this interface. Plug-in writers should override this method to save the settings for the plug-in's configuration interface into the configuration database.
A function to be invoked when the load completes.


Called by administration to validate the current values in the plug-in configuration interface. Plug-in writers should override this method, returning false if any values are not valid, and also focus on the field and indicate the invalid field.