
Extends dijit._LayoutWidget, dijit._Templated.
AppFrame widget provides the basic border/frame around the application as well as any theme-defined background images. The basic layout is achieved through the use of the AppFrame, AppMarquee, TabMenuLauncher,and WorkspaceType widgets.
Defined in: <idx\app\AppFrame.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The name of the application.
Overrides of the base CSS class.
The design attribute is used to indicate the design for the AppFrame and specifically the location of the "marquee" and "body" region.
The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties.
The widget text for the dijit._Templated base class.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addChild(child, index)
Extends parent method by adding in a resize after the child node is added.
Overridden to obtain CSS options before calling the base implementation.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
Gets the children widgets that are within the marquee region.
Pass through to call the idx.border.BorderLayout 'layout' method
postCreate - default behavior
Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the dijit._Widget.attr() function is called for each property that was set.
resize(changeSize, resultSize)
Resize method that extends parent by also sizing the marquee and all children as well as calling the contained borderLayout 'layout' method.
Called at startup to create an idx.border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.

Constructor Detail

	   CSS Options can control the "design" of the BorderContainer
	   as well as which of the BorderContainer regions serves as the
	   "marquee" and "body" regions using the following CSS URL query options:
	    - marquee: [ header* | leader | center | trailer | footer ]
	    - body: [ header | leader | center* | trailer | footer ]
	    - marqueeSizing: [ auto* | fixed ]
NOTE: cssOptions are typically used for re-arranging the position of the regions such as the marquee and body when changing the layout for a new theme.
Example usage: <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0" dojoType=""> </div>

Field Detail


The name of the application.

<constant> {String} baseClass

Overrides of the base CSS class. This string is used by the template, and gets inserted into template to create the CSS class names for this widget.
Default Value:

{String} design

The design attribute is used to indicate the design for the AppFrame and specifically the location of the "marquee" and "body" region. This can be set to "auto", in which case the theme will attempt to set the region using the "CSS Options" feature from idx/util. However, you can explicitly set this to "header" to force an application header at the top or set it to "sidebar" to force a sidebar navigation.
Default Value:

{Object} resources

The resources to use for obtaining the labels for each of the properties. The resources that are used by this include: - gotoMainContentLabel: The hidden accessibility link label for jumping to main content. - gotoMainNavigationLabel: The hidden accessibility link label for jumping to main navigation.
Default Value:

<constant> {String} templateString

The widget text for the dijit._Templated base class.
Default Value:

Method Detail

addChild(child, index)

Extends parent method by adding in a resize after the child node is added.
{Object} child
{int} index


Overridden to obtain CSS options before calling the base implementation. Sets options, design and sizing.

constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node


Gets the children widgets that are within the marquee region.


Pass through to call the idx.border.BorderLayout 'layout' method


postCreate - default behavior


Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the dijit._Widget.attr() function is called for each property that was set.



resize(changeSize, resultSize)

Resize method that extends parent by also sizing the marquee and all children as well as calling the contained borderLayout 'layout' method.
{Object} changeSize
{Object} resultSize


Called at startup to create an idx.border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.