Class idx.widget.Toaster

Extends dijit.messaging.Toaster.
Toaster widget for displaying user messages in a pop-up style at the bottom corner of the screen. Messages should stack on top of each other, until we hit the maxMsgCount limit, at which point the oldest message should be pushed off-screen. When hidden messages exist, we show a link to direct the user to the global message view. Messages disappear after five seconds by default, with the widget closing when its message list is empty. It can also be manually closed by clicking the icon in the right hand corner. When a user hovers over the message box, pause any remove animations to allow the user to read that message.
Defined in: <idx\widget\Toaster.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Create new idx.widget.Toaster

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Default message details, fills in missing attributes on new messages.
Maximum height in pixel of message should be visible
Milliseconds that a message should be visible for.
Running count of the total number of available messages.
This value controls whether the message removal animations are executed or queued.
Widget's HTML template

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Display a new toaster message, contains the optional attributes "status", "content", "datetime" & "msg_id".
Override to ensure the toaster node gets destroyed since it is a child of the body.
Click "view all.
Create animation queue and set up attribute binding, so we monitor changes to the message count.
idx.widget.Toaster.remove(msgNode, wipeOut)
Remove a toaster message referenced by the
  • DOM node.
  • <static>  
    Reset the message list, clearing out any current messages.

    Constructor Detail


    Create new idx.widget.Toaster

    Field Detail

    <static> {Object} idx.widget.Toaster.defaultMessage

    Default message details, fills in missing attributes on new messages.

    <static> {Number} idx.widget.Toaster.maxMsgHeight

    Maximum height in pixel of message should be visible

    <static> {Number} idx.widget.Toaster.messageTimeout

    Milliseconds that a message should be visible for.

    <static> {Number} idx.widget.Toaster.msgCount

    Running count of the total number of available messages.

    <static> {Boolean} idx.widget.Toaster.persistMessages

    This value controls whether the message removal animations are executed or queued.

    <static> {String} idx.widget.Toaster.templateString

    Widget's HTML template

    Method Detail

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.add(message)

    Display a new toaster message, contains the optional attributes "status", "content", "datetime" & "msg_id". Toaster automatically shown with the first message. New messages are wiped in from the top.
    {Object} message
    - User message

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.destroy()

    Override to ensure the toaster node gets destroyed since it is a child of the body.

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.onViewAll(messages)

    Click "view all..." link to trigger this one, it should be overriden by user.
    {Array} messages
    - Current messages

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.postCreate()

    Create animation queue and set up attribute binding, so we monitor changes to the message count.

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.postMixInProperties()

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.remove(msgNode, wipeOut)

    Remove a toaster message referenced by the
  • DOM node. If element is present in the list, wipe out the node and remove once hidden.
  • Parameters:
    {DOMNode} msgNode
    - List element

    <static> idx.widget.Toaster.reset()

    Reset the message list, clearing out any current messages.