
Class supporting dynamic URL hash management Note: Actual class name is It monitors the url hash and updates the selection of console owned UI elements (ie the context switcher and context tabs) and also notifies components of any component specific hash changes. Additionally, it provides a mechanism for components to tell the console about their state changes that need to get reflected in the hash.
Since components are loaded via an hef on a ContentPane, in order to hook into hash management, the expectation is that in their registry item, the component specifies an onLoad function. In that function, any connection from their UI elements to the context (and vice versa) should be performed:

"onLoad": function(w) {
    //connect something in my UI to the context's setNavState
    w.connect(dijit.byId("someUIElement"), "onSomethingChanged", w.context.setNavState);

    //connect the context's onNavStateChanged to something that will update my UI
    w.connect(w.context, "onNavStateChanged", function(state) {
        dijit.byId("someUIElement").setSomethingFromTheState(state.task || "");

Defined in: <idx\app\_HashHandlerMixin.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Default constructor

Constructor Detail

Method Detail


Default constructor
{Object} args