Class pvr.controller.converters._Converter

Extends pvr.logging._LoggerMixin.
Provides an abstract base class for an object that converts values and obtains default values for a particular data type.

Two common usages are supported:

Both canonical and localized formats are supported when parsing from string values or formatting to string values.

Converter classes are supported for each of the standard data types that are supported by the application. You can extend this class for any custom data types you want to support.

Each pvr.controller.attributes.Attribute object has an associated pvr.controller.converters._Converter object.

Defined in: <pvr\controller\converters\_Converter.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
format(value, localized, type)
Converts the specified value to a string.
Gets the default value that is supported by this converter.
parse(value, localized)
Parses a value to the type supported by this converter.
Methods borrowed from class pvr.logging._LoggerMixin:
logDebug, logEntry, logError, logExit, logInfo, logWarning

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

format(value, localized, type)

Converts the specified value to a string.

This method uses the pvr.controller.value.Value class to perform the conversion. In your extended class, you can overload the pvr.controller.converters._Converter#computeFormatSettings method to include specific controller attribute values in the settings that are passed to the pvr.controller.value.Value#to method.

The value.
Indicates whether localized of canonical formatting is required (canonical by default).
The converted value.


Gets the default value that is supported by this converter.
The default value.

parse(value, localized)

Parses a value to the type supported by this converter.

This method uses the pvr.controller.value.Value class to perform the conversion. In your extended class, you can overload the pvr.controller.converters._Converter#computeParseSettings method to include specific controller attribute values in the settings passed to the pvr.controller.value.Value#to method.

The value.
Indicates whether localized or canonical parsing is required (canonical by default).
The converted value.