Class idx.form.NumberTextBox

Extends dijit.form.NumberTextBox, idx.form._CompositeMixin, idx.form._CssStateMixin.
idx.form.NumberTextBox is a composite widget which enhanced dijit.form.NumberTextBox with following features:

Defined in: <idx\form\NumberTextBox.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Set the template path for the desktop template in case the template was not loaded initially, but is later needed due to an instance being constructed with "desktop" platform.
Fields borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
fieldWidth, help, hint, hintPosition, label, labelAlignment, labelWidth, required, unit

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Provides a method to return focus to the widget without triggering revalidation.
Methods borrowed from class idx.form._CompositeMixin:
_setFieldWidthAttr, _setHintAttr, _setLabelAlignmentAttr, _setLabelAttr, _setLabelWidthAttr, _setRequiredAttr, _setUnitAttr, postMixInProperties, reset, resize, validateAndFocus

Constructor Detail


Number range bound:
To specify a field between 0 and 120:
To specify a field that must be an integer:
To specify a field where 0 to 3 decimal places are allowed on input:

Field Detail

<static> idx.form.NumberTextBox.templatePath

Set the template path for the desktop template in case the template was not loaded initially, but is later needed due to an instance being constructed with "desktop" platform.

Method Detail

<static> idx.form.NumberTextBox.displayMessage(message)


<static> idx.form.NumberTextBox.postCreate()

<static> idx.form.NumberTextBox.refocus()

Provides a method to return focus to the widget without triggering revalidation. This is typically called when the validation tooltip is closed.