Class ecm.widget.process.InbasketFilterContainer

Extends dijit.layout.ContentPane.
Provides a widget that is used to display the query filters that are specified on the in-basket content. The filters can be used to refine the query for the items that are displayed in the in-basket.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\process\InbasketFilterContainer.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
An ecm.widget.listView.ContentList widget folder holding the filtered in-basket work items list.
A dijit.form.DropDownButton for displaying the filter criteria.
An ecm.widget.process.InbasketContainer widget object that is the parent of this widget.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns an integer value indicating the number of filter criteria that are currently in effect.
Returns an array of filter criteria value objects.
Updates the filter summary text with the number of filters applied (if any).

Constructor Detail


Field Detail


An ecm.widget.listView.ContentList widget folder holding the filtered in-basket work items list.


A dijit.form.DropDownButton for displaying the filter criteria.


An ecm.model.ProcessInbasket object.


An ecm.widget.process.InbasketContainer widget object that is the parent of this widget.

Method Detail


{Integer} getFiltersApplied()

Returns an integer value indicating the number of filter criteria that are currently in effect.
{Integer} holding number of filters that have been applied.

{Object} getFilterValues()

Returns an array of filter criteria value objects.
{Object} An array of filter values.




Updates the filter summary text with the number of filters applied (if any).