IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd CLI commands

You can run the tacmd CLI commands to manage your monitoring environment.
Table 1. tacmd CLI commands
Command Description
tacmd acceptBaseline Sets a situation override based on the baseline (situation override) values calculated by using one of several statistical functions for a situation attribute based on historical data from the Tivoli® Data Warehouse.
tacmd addBundles Add one or more deployment bundles to the local agent deployment depot.
tacmd addCalendarEntry Create a calendar entry on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd addgroupmember Add a group member to the specified group.
tacmd addSdaInstallOptions Add a version to the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) install option record for a product type.
tacmd addSystem Deploy a monitoring agent to a computer in your IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.
tacmd bulkExportPcy Export all the available policies from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd bulkExportSit Export all the available situations from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd bulkImportPcy Import all the available policy objects to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server from BULK_OBJECT_PATH.
tacmd bulkImportSit Import all the available objects to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server from BULK_OBJECT_PATH.
tacmd checkprereq Check for prerequisites required for deploying an agent to a managed system.
tacmd cleanMS Clear all the offline entries present in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd clearAppSeedState Clear the value of the SEEDSTATE column of an installation record that has status IC and SEEDSTATE value I (Incomplete) or E (Error).
tacmd clearDeployStatus Remove entries from the table that stores the status of the asynchronous agent deployment operations.
tacmd configurePortalServer Configure a user-defined portal server data source.
tacmd configureSystem Edit the configuration options of an existing agent.
tacmd createAction Create a new Take Action.
tacmd createEventDest Create a new event destination definition on the server.
tacmd creategroup Create a new group on the server.
tacmd createNode Deploy an OS agent to a remote computer.
tacmd createSit Create a new situation.
tacmd createSitAssociation Creates one or more situation associations for a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item.
tacmd createSysAssignment Assigns one or more managed systems or managed system lists to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item.
tacmd createsystemlist Create a new managed system group.
tacmd createUser Create a new user in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
tacmd createUserGroup Create a new group in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
tacmd deleteAction Delete a Take Action.
tacmd deleteappinstallrecs Delete application support install records on the server.
tacmd deleteCalendarEntry Delete a calendar entry on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd deleteEventDest Delete an event destination server definition from the server.
tacmd deletegroup Delete a specified group member from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd deletegroupmember Delete a specified group member from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd deleteOverride Delete the situation overrides defined for a specified situation on a managed system or list of managed systems.
tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions Remove a version from a Self-Describing Agent (SDA) install option record for a product type.
tacmd deleteSdaOptions Delete Self-Describing Agent (SDA) option configuration entries.
tacmd deleteSdaSuspend Delete the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) Suspend record from the database.
Do not use the deleteSdaSuspend command unless directed by IBM Software Support.
tacmd deleteSit Delete a situation from your environment.
tacmd deleteSitAssociation Dissociates one or more situations from a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item.
tacmd deleteSysAssignment Deletes one or more managed system assignments from a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item.
tacmd deletesystemlist Delete a managed system group.
tacmd deleteUser Delete the existing user from Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd deleteUserGroup Delete the existing group from Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd deleteWorkspace Delete a global or user-customized Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd describeSystemType Display the configuration options that are required for an agent type.
tacmd editAction Edit a Take Action.
tacmd editCalendarEntry Edit a calendar entry on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd editEventDest Modify an existing event destination server definition on the server.
tacmd editGroup Edit a group definition.
tacmd editgroupmember Edit a groupmember definition.
tacmd editSdaInstallOptions Edit the version of a Self-Describing Agent (SDA) install option record for a product type.
tacmd editSdaOptions Edit a situation definition that exists on a server or that was exported to a local system.
tacmd editSit Edit a situation.
tacmd editsystemlist Add or delete managed systems to or from an existing managed system group on the server.
tacmd editUser Edit a user definition in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
tacmd editUserGroup Edit a group definition on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd executeAction Execute the system command provided in the given Take Action command.
tacmd executecommand Execute the system command provided in the given Take Action command.
tacmd exportBundles Export remote deployment bundles from installation media or from a remote deployment depot.
tacmd exportCalendarEntries Export all the calendar entries available in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to the specified XML file.
tacmd exportNavigator Export a Tivoli Enterprise Portal logical navigator and all workspaces, queries, and situation associations referenced within the logical navigator from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to an XML file.
tacmd exportQueries Export one or more Tivoli Enterprise Portal queries from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to an XML file.
tacmd exportSitAssociations Exports all situation associations for a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator, or optionally, a particular navigator item within the navigator, to an XML file.
tacmd exportSysAssignments Exports all managed system assignments for a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator, or optionally, a particular navigator item within the navigator, to an XML file.
tacmd exportWorkspaces Export one or more portal server workspaces to a file.
tacmd getDeployStatus Display the status of the asynchronous agent deployment operations.
tacmd getfile Transfer a file from a remote managed system to a local destination.
tacmd help Display the name of all the available CLI commands, along with a short description of each command.
tacmd histconfiguregroups Display the historical configuration information of the specified attribute group.
tacmd histcreatecollection Create the given collection using specified inputs.
tacmd histdeletecollection Create the given collection using specified inputs.
tacmd histeditcollection Edit the given collection using specified inputs.
tacmd histlistattributegroups List all of the attribute groups for the specified product name for historical data collection and configuration feature.
tacmd histlistcollections List all the collections that are started for a managed system or managed system group, or that are defined for an attribute group
tacmd histlistproduct List all of the products available for the historical data collection and configuration feature.
tacmd histstartcollection Unconfigure the given attribute groups using provided inputs for historical data collection.
tacmd histstopcollection Unconfigure the given attribute groups using provided inputs for historical data collection.
tacmd histunconfiguregroups Unconfigure the given attribute groups using provided inputs for historical data collection.
tacmd histviewattributegroup Display the historical configuration information of the specified attribute group.
tacmd histviewcollection Display the configuration information of a specified collection
tacmd importCalendarEntries Import all the calendar entries available in specified XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd importNavigator Import a Tivoli Enterprise Portal logical navigator view, workspaces, queries, and situation associations from an XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd importQueries Import Tivoli Enterprise Portal queries from an XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd importSitAssociations Imports all situation associations from an XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd importSysAssignments Imports all managed system assignments from an XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd importWorkspaces Import the workspaces contained in a file into the portal server.
tacmd listAction Display the list of the Take Action commands in the server.
tacmd listappinstallrecs List application install records.
tacmd listBundles Display the details of one or more deployment bundles that are available for deployment to the local deployment depot.
tacmd listCalendarEntries List calendar entries on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd listEventDest Display the server ID, name, and type for every event destination definition on the server.
tacmd listGroups Display a list of known groups.
tacmd listNavigators Display the server ID, name, and type for every event destination definition on the server.
tacmd listOverrideableSits Display a list of override-eligible situations for a given application.
tacmd listOverrides Display the situation overrides defined for a specified situation on a managed system or list of managed systems.
tacmd listQueries Import Tivoli Enterprise Portal queries from an XML file to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd listSdaInstallOptions List the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) install options records.
tacmd listSdaOptions Lists the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) options.
tacmd listSdaStatus Lists the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) Enablement status for a monitoring server.
tacmd listSit List the situations on the hub monitoring server.
tacmd listSitAssociations Displays a list of all situations associated with or eligible for association with a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item. Optionally, the command can display a list of situations that are eligible for association with the specified navigator item.
tacmd listSitAttributes List attribute names that are eligible for use with dynamic thresholding (override) commands for a given situation.
tacmd listsystemlist List the available managed system groups.
tacmd listSysAssignments Displays a list of managed systems or managed system lists that are assigned to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator item.
tacmd listSystems Display a list of agents, optionally filtering for only those on a given managed system or one or more product codes, or both.
tacmd listtrace Display the RAS1 logging level on an ITM endpoint.
tacmd listUsers List all the available users or users belonging to a particular group.
tacmd listUserGroups List all the available groups.
tacmd listworkspaces List all of the portal workspaces on the server.
tacmd login Log on to a monitoring server and create a security token used by subsequent commands.
tacmd logout Log out of the monitoring server and disable the security token created by the tacmd login command.
tacmd managesit Start or stop situations in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd pdcollect Execute the pdcollect script in the specified host computer and fetch the resultant jar file to the local computer.
tacmd putfile Transfer a file from a local source to a remote managed system.
tacmd refreshCatalog Update the catalog file.
tacmd refreshTECinfo Trigger the Event Forwarder to reprocess any updated event destinations, EIF configurations, and custom event mapping files without recycling the HUB Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd removeBundles Remove one or more deployment bundles from the local deployment depot.
tacmd removeSystem Remove one or more instances of an agent or uninstall an agent from a managed system. Using the bulk deployment option, the command removes all agents in a deployment and bundle group combination.
tacmd restartAgent Start or restart the given agents or the agents for the given managed systems.
tacmd restartFailedDeploy Restart all the failed entries in the status table or filter the table entries to restart from the status table entries to a specific deployment operation.
tacmd resumeSda Resume the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) installation.
tacmd setAgentConnection Edit connection properties and environment variables of agents running on the target node.
tacmd setOverride Define a situation override for a specified situation on a managed system or list of managed systems.
tacmd settrace Modify the RAS1 logging level on a remote managed system.
tacmd startAgent Start the given agent or agents for the given managed systems.
tacmd stopAgent Stop the given agent or agents for the given managed systems.
tacmd suggestBaseline Calculate a baseline (situation override) value using one of several statistical functions for a situation attribute based on historical data from the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
tacmd suspendSda Suspend the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) installation.
tacmd tepsLogin Log in to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd tepsLogout Log off Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
tacmd updateAgent Install an agent update on a specified managed system.
tacmd viewAction Display the details of a Take Action.
tacmd viewAgent Display the details of the given agent or the agent for a given managed system.
tacmd viewCalendarEntry View information about a calendar entry on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
tacmd viewDepot Display the types of agents you can install from the deployment depot on the server which you are logged on to or the specified remote server.
tacmd viewEventDest Display all properties for the specified event destination definition on the server.
tacmd viewgroup Display details of the specified group.
tacmd viewgroupmember Display the details of the specified group member.
tacmd viewNode Display the details of a node, including the installed components.
tacmd viewSit Display the definition of a situation in your monitored environment.
tacmd viewsystemlist List the configuration of a managed system group to be displayed or saved in an export file.
tacmd viewUser Display the details of a specified user.
tacmd viewUserGroup Display details of the specified group.
kincinfo On Windows systems, view information for your monitoring server, including inventory of installed IBM® Tivoli products, configuration settings, installed CD versions, and a list of running IBM Tivoli processes.
KinCli.exe command Generate response files.
