IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd addCalendarEntry


Use the tacmd addCalendarEntry command to create the calendar entry on the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server. The data for the calendar entries is given in CRON format. The format of the data must be given as a quintuple (5 places) value separated by a space within double quotation marks if specified by using the -c|--cron option. The format of the data must also follow the sequential order as [minute hour day_of_month month day_of_week]. The order must not be changed and you must specify an asterisk (*) in place of the values that you do not want to provide. Do not skip any values.

The valid values for the cron attributes are as follows:
  • Minute - integer values between 0-59
  • Hour - integer values between 0-23
  • Day Of Month - integer values between 0-31
  • Month - integer values between 1-12 or the first three letters of the month names. For example, JAN.
  • Day Of Week - integer values between 0-7, or the first three letters of the day. For example, SUN. Both 0 and 7 indicate Sunday.
    • 0 = Sunday
    • 1 = Monday
    • 2 = Tuesday
    • 3 = Wednesday
    • 4 = Thursday
    • 5 = Friday
    • 6 = Saturday
    • 7 = Sunday
This example of the –c|--cron option specifies 4:30 AM on the 1st and 15th of the month and every Friday:
30 4 1,15 * 5

If the -c|--cron option is not used, the cron data can also be given by using one or more of the (-i|--min;-h|--hour;a|--daym|--dayofmonth;-m|--month;-w|--dayw|--dayofweek) options. The values that are not specified are considered asterisks (*), meaning every minute, hour, and so on.

You must log in by using the login command before running the tacmd addCalendarEntry command.

CLI syntax

tacmd  addCalendarEntry
                      {-n|--name} CALENDAR_ENTRY_NAME
                      {-c|--cron} CRON_SPEC
                      [{-d|--description} DESCRIPTION ]

tacmd  addCalendarEntry
                      {-n|--name} CALENDAR_ENTRY_NAME
                      [{-i|--min} MIN ]
                      [{-h|--hour} HOUR ]
                      [{a|--daym|--dayOfMonth}  DAY_OF_MONTH ]
                      [{-m|--month}  MONTH ]
                      [{-w|--dayw|--dayOfWeek} DAY_OF_WEEK ]
                      [{-d|--description} DESCRIPTION ]

Specifies the name of the calendar entry.
Specifies the CRON specification of the calendar entry.
Specifies the description of the calendar entry.
Specifies the minute value of the CRON specification.
Specifies the hour value of the CRON specification.
Specifies the day of the month value of the CRON specification.
Specifies the month value of the CRON specification.
Specifies the day of the week value of the CRON specification.

CLI example

The following example adds the calendar entry Clean_Temp:
tacmd addCalendarEntry -n Clean_Temp -d "Clean Temporary directory on weekend" 
-c "30 21 * * SUN"

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

Return to Table 1.
