IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Return codes

The following table lists the return codes for the tacmd commands.
Table 1. Return codes for tacmd CLI commands
Code Category Description
0 Success Indicates that the command was successful.
1 Syntax Error or Help Indicates either that the help command was given or that the syntax used was incorrect.
2 No Permission Indicates that the user does not have permission to issue the command.
3 Version Mismatch Indicates that the version of the server is not what was expected.
4 Communication Error Indicates that an error occurred in the communications with the server.
5 Timeout Indicates that an operation waiting for data did not receive it within the time it was expected.
6 Input Error Indicates that the input to the command was not what was expected.
7 Server Exception Indicates that an error occurred on the server that caused the command to fail.
8 Command Error Indicates that an internal error occurred while executing the command.
9 Invalid Object Indicates that a specified object does not exist.
10 Duplicate Object Indicates that the object is a duplicate of an already existing object.
11 Partial Success Indicates that the command was partially successful.
15 Password too long Indicates that the password is longer than 16 characters, which is the maximum password length
19 Situation not present Indicates that no historical situation is available on the server.
100 Deploy Queued Indicates that the deployment operation is queued.
101 Deploy in Progress Indicates that the deployment operation is in progress.
102 Deploy Retryable Indicates that the deployment operation is retryable.
103 Deploy Failed Indicates that the deployment operation failed.
1001 Request Queued Indicates a request queued, waiting for async response.
1002 Shortage Indicates a memory shortage.
1003 Bad Argument Indicates a bad input argument.
1004 Not There Indicates that a file was not found.
1005 System Error Indicates an unknown system error.
1006 Duplicate Indicates that a request for same pc is already in progress.
1007 KT1 Error Indicates a KT1 error.
1008 SDM Disabled Indicates that self-described processing is disabled at the monitoring server.
1009 HUB Not There Indicates that the hub monitoring server is not available.
1010 Shutdown Indicates that a monitoring server is shutting down.
1011 Manifest Error Indicates invalid content in the manifest file.
1012 Wrong TEMS Version Indicates an incorrect monitoring server version.
1013 Nonsupportable Feature Indicates a required feature (for example, a new data type) is not supported by the monitoring server.
1014 Unknown Error Indicates an unknown error.
1015 Bad Argument Length Indicates a bad input argument length.
1016 Manual Install Update Indicates a record updated by the manual installation detection process.
1017 Temp Install Error Indicates a temporary installation error; the agent retries the installation request.
