IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd listSit


The tacmd listSit command lists the defined situations on the hub monitoring server. You can optionally filter the list for those distributed to a particular managed system or managed system type. You must log in by using the login command before running the listsit command.

  1. The correct name to use in commands for the Unix Logs agent is "Unix Logs". "Monitoring agent for Unix Logs" has been superseded.
  2. You cannot use this command to list UADVISOR situations.

CLI syntax

tacmd listSit
                      [{-d|--delim} DELIM
                      [{-n|--noheader}] | [{-l|--linear}]

tacmd listSit
                      [{-d|--delim} DELIM]  
                      [{-n|--noheader}] | [{-l|--linear}]
                      {-m|--system} SYSTEM

tacmd listSit
                      [{-d|--delim} DELIM]  
                      [{-n|--noheader}] | [{-l|--linear}]
                      {-t|--type} TYPE

Specifies a managed system name and restricts the list of situations to those distributed to the managed system or managed systems specified. Valid values include letters (upper or lower case), numbers, periods (.), at symbols (@), dollar signs ($), asterisks (*), number signs (#), underscores (_), colons (:) or blanks ( ).
Specifies a managed system type and restricts the situation list to those of the specified managed system type name or names. Use tacmd listsystemlist to obtain a list of valid managed system types.
Separates the fields with the delimiter. You can specify a delimiter character of a comma (,), colon (:), semicolon (;), asterisk (*), hashmark (#), dollar ($), exclamation (!), or tilde (~).
Specifies to display in linear format with long situation name.
Excludes a header line from the list.

CLI example

This command lists all situations on the monitoring server separated by commas and without a header:
   tacmd listSit –d “,” -n
The result is:
   Candle Management Server,QOMEGAMON_ONLINE
   Generic Configuration,NonPrimeShift  
   Generic Configuration,PrimeShift 
   Generic Configuration,Weekday 
   Windows NT,NT_Available_Bytes_Critical 
   Windows NT,NT_Available_Bytes_Warning 
   Windows NT,NT_Bottleneck_Disk 
This command lists all the Universal Database situations:
tacmd listSit –-type “Universal Database”
The result is:
   TYPE	  			      NAME
   Universal Database	UDB_Database_Lock_Warning
   Universal Database	UDB_Status_Warning
This command displays the situation Name, Type and Full Name in linear format:
tacmd listsit -t "Windows OS" –l
The result is:
Name     : NT_Process_Memo48C503654ED3AE16
Type     : Windows OS
Full Name: NT Process Memory Critical
Name     : NT_Logical_Disk48C8FF4D78379BB6
Type     : Windows OS
Full Name: NT Logical Disk Space Warning

Return values

See Return codes

Related commands

tacmd createSit

tacmd deleteSit

tacmd editSit

tacmd viewSit

Return to Table 1.
