IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd deleteSit


Use the tacmd deleteSit command to delete a situation from your environment.

Note: You cannot use this command to delete UADVISOR situations.

CLI syntax

tacmd deleteSit
                      {–s|--situation} SITNAME [{-f|--force}]

Specifies the name of the situation to delete. If you include either the & character or the < character in the situation name, you must quote the name, for example, "abc&def" or "abc<def".
Disables the message that asks if you are sure you want to delete the situation.

CLI example

The command in this example deletes the situation named My_Situation without asking the user to confirm.

    tacmd deleteSit -s My_Situation -f

Return values

See Return codes

Related commands

tacmd createSit

tacmd editSit

tacmd listSit

tacmd viewSit

Return to Table 1.
