IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd viewSit


Use the viewSit command to display the configuration of a situation in your monitored environment or to save the configuration in an export file.

When you issue this command to view the properties of situations, many situations display KXX:XXXX for the description field. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal maps the KXX:XXXX value to some descriptions before display, but the CLI displays the data, as such, from the TSITDESC table. The tacmd CLI interface can only display the contents of the situation as defined or displayed within the Situation Editor. The desired substitution takes place as a result of the situation firing; whereas that CLI displays the situation as described above.
Note: You cannot use this command to view UADVISOR situations.

CLI syntax

tacmd viewSit {-s|--situation} SITNAME
                      [{-e|--export} [FILENAME]]

Specifies the name of the situation to display or export. If you include either the & character or the < character in the situation name, you must quote the name, for example, "abc&def" or "abc<def".
Exports the situation definition to a file of the name specified. If you specify a full path, the destination directory must exist.

CLI example

This example displays the definition for the situation named CalcMonitor and exports the details to a file named CalcMonitor.sit, which can then be used to create a new situation based on the original.

   tacmd viewSit --situation CalcMonitor --export CalcMonitorOut.sit

Return values

See Return codes

Related commands

tacmd createSit

tacmd deleteSit

tacmd editSit

tacmd listSit

tacmd viewDepot

Return to Table 1.
