IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions


Use the tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions command to delete a version from a Self-Describing Agent (SDA) install option record for a product type. You must log in by using the tacmd login command before running the tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions command.

CLI syntax

tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions
                      {-t|--type} DEFAULT


tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions
                      { {-t|--type} PRODUCT_TYPE...
                      [{-v|--version} VERSION]
                       | {-a|--all } }

{-t|--type} DEFAULT
Removes the DEFAULT SDA installation option for all products that do not have a specific SDA install option record defined for their product type. When the DEFAULT SDA install option is not defined, SDA installation support is disabled.
{-t|--type} PRODUCT_TYPE...
Specifies one or more managed system types (product codes) to update.
Specifies the VERSION to delete from the SDA install option record for the product code identified. Including a VERSION is optional and if not provided, all versions are deleted from the specified product. After all versions have been removed for a product, SDA installation support will be governed by the setting of the DEFAULT record. The version is an eight-digit identifier in the format VVRRMMFF, where VV specifies Version, RR specifies Release, MM specifies Modification, and FF specifies PTF Level. For example, the VVRRMMFF designation for ITM 623 FP2 is 06230200.
Deletes all SDA install options for all products; the DEFAULT install record is unaffected.
Specifies to delete the SDA install option without prompting for confirmation.

CLI example

Run the following command to disable SDA Installation support for the ITM623 FP2 Windows product type:

tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions -t NT -v 06230200

Run the following command to disable SDA Installation support for the ITM623 FP2 Linux and Unix product types without confirmation:

tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions --type LZ UX --version 06230200 --force
Run the following command to remove the DEFAULT SDA Installation option record:
Note: When no DEFAULT record exists, SDA installation will be disabled for all product types that do not have an SDA install option record defined.
tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions -t DEFAULT
Run the following command to remove all versions from all product SDA Installation records:
Note: From this point, SDA Installation support for all products will be governed by the setting of the DEFAULT record which is unaffected by the command. If no DEFAULT record exists, SDA Installation support will be disabled for all products.
tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions -a

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

tacmd addSdaInstallOptions

tacmd editSdaInstallOptions

tacmd listSdaInstallOptions

tacmd listSdaOptions

Return to Table 1.
