IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd updateAgent


Use the tacmd updateAgent command to install an agent or non-agent bundle update on a specified managed system. Updating agents involves stopping any that are running, applying the changes, and restarting them. Updating non-agent bundles transfers the bundle to the endpoint and executes the user defined install command. If a version is not specified, the agent is updated to the latest version. This command is also available for non-agent bundles.

By using the bulk deployment option, the agents specified in the bundle group are updated on the managed systems specified in the deployment group.

The no execute option is intended to allow the user to determine which bundles will be updated to which managed systems.

Note: If the agent to be updated is configured to have a different name than the OS Agent hostname, then the tacmd updateagent process is unable to determine the target platform attributes and thus the process fails. If an agent has a different system name than the OS Agent, the tacmd updateagent process cannot be used.
Note: Remote Deployment is not supported in environments with a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. This restriction includes this command.

CLI syntax

Updating a single IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring agent:

tacmd updateAgent
                  {-t|--type} TYPE
                  {-n|--node} MANAGED-OS
                  [{-v|--version} VERSION]
                  [{-o|--option} OPTIONSNAME=VALUE ...]
                  [{-k|--securegroup} ITMGROUP]

Updating a single non-agent bundle:

tacmd updateAgent
                  {-t|--type} TYPE
                  {-n|--node} MANAGED-OS
                  [{-v|--version} VERSION]
                  [ {-p|--property|--properties} SECTION.NAME=VALUE ...]

Updating a single System Service Monitors agent:

tacmd updateAgent
                  {-h|--host} HOST[:PORT]  
                  {-l|--patchlist} PATCH_LIST
                  [{-p|--property|--properties} SECTION.NAME=VALUE ...]

Updating bulk IBM Tivoli Monitoring or System Service Monitors agent:

tacmd updateAgent
                  {-g|--deploygroup} DEPLOY_GROUP_NAME  
                  [{-v|--version} VERSION]
                  [{-o|--option} OPTIONSNAME=VALUE ...]
                  [{-k|--securegroup} ITMGROUP]
                  [{-f|--force} | {-x|--noexecute}]

Specifies the type of agent to update.
Identifies the node on the computer that has the agent that you want to update. A node is identified by the managed operating system that it contains. The node is the installation directory for all agents. The name of a node includes the computer where the OS agent is installed and the product code for the OS agent. For example, is the name of the node on computer, which has a Linux OS agent installed.
Specifies the version of the agent to switch to. You must specify the version in the format: vvrrmmfff where vv = version number; rr = release number; mm = modification number (fix pack number); and fff = interim fix number. You cannot use this command to revert an agent to a previous version of that agent.
Performs actions without asking confirmation.
Specifies the host on which the System Service Monitors agent to update resides.
Specifies the list of one or more patch names separated by spaces that will be installed on the System Service Monitors agent.
Specifies one or more pairs that identify configuration properties to update, where section specifies the configuration section containing the configuration property, name specifies the name of the configuration property, and value specifies the property value. Specify the instance name of the system to be configured via the instance property for a systems that can have multiple instances.
One or more configuration parameters that can be used to customize the operation of this program. The valid options are: COLLECTALL, EXECPREREQCHECK, IGNOREPREREQCHECK. The values are to be specified in KEY=VALUE format.
Specifies the ITMGROUP. This option is only valid for UNIX and Linux nodes.
Specifies the name of the deployment group to which the agents in the bundle group will be updated.
Specifies the name of the bundle group containing the agent(s) which will be updated on the managed system(s) in the deployment group.
Causes the command to display which bundles will be updated to which managed systems.

CLI example

The following command updates an agent at version 6, release 3.0, with no interim fixes:
   tacmd updateAgent -t UX -n itmserver:KUX -v 06300000 
The following command updates System Service Monitors agents with Fix Pack 1:
tacmd updateAgent -h smb://  -l "Fixpack 1" 
-p SNMPPORT=16002 -f

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

tacmd addBundles

tacmd addSystem

Return to Table 1.
