IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd acceptBaseline


Use the tacmd acceptBaseline command to set the overrides for a situation based on the baseline (situation override) values calculated by using one of several statistical functions for a situation attribute based on historical data from the Tivoli® Data Warehouse. This command yields identical calculations to the suggestBaseline command; however, you can use the acceptBaseline command to calculate and set baseline values with a single command invocation.
  • The managed system specified with the -m|--system option must be online to run the command.
  • For a managed system group, the overrides are only applied to members of the list that are override-eligible. Overrides are not distributed to ineligible managed systems.
  • If you want to use the current tacmd tepsLogin values for username, password, and server hostname, do not enter any of these options for the acceptBaseline command. If you specify values for some, but not all of these options, you are prompted to specify the username and password if they are missing.
  • The total number of characters used in all the expression overrides defined for a situation should not exceed 4000 bytes. The actual size requirement for a single override varies depending on the names and values of the key columns and the override expression. In one case the limit might be 25 or, in a simpler case, it might be higher. The symptom of exceeding the 4000-byte limit is that the overrides do not work and the monitoring server trace log shows an "exceeds limit 4000" override error.

CLI syntax

tacmd acceptBaseline
                      {-s|--situation} SITNAME
                      {-m|--system} SYSTEM|SYSTEM_LIST
                      {-p|--predicate} PREDICATE
                      {-f|--function} STATISTICAL_FUNCTION
                      {-d|--startdata} START_TIMESTAMP
                      {-e|--enddata} END_TIMESTAMP
                      [{-u|--userid} TEPS_USERID]
                      [{-w|--password} TEPS_PASSWORD]
                      [{-t|--inlinecal} INLINE_CAL_ENTRY...]
                      [{-c|--calendarentry} CALENDAR_ENTRY...]
                      [{-k|--key} KEY_CONDITION ...]
                      [{-h|--tepshostname} TEPS_HOSTNAME]

Specifies the situation to calculate the baseline value and set the overrides for. If you include either the & character or the < character in the situation name, you must include quotation marks around the name, for example, "abc&def" or "abc<def".
The name of the managed system or managed system group to calculate the baseline value and set the overrides for. Historical data results from the warehouse used for statistical calculations is restricted to values recorded for the managed system or managed systems specified. Valid values include letters (upper or lower case), numbers, periods (.), at symbols (@), dollar signs ($), asterisks (*), number signs (#), underscores (_), colons (:) or blanks ( ).
Specifies the name of the calendar entry that defines the time period when the override is active. If one or more calendar entries are entered, historical data results from the warehouse will be filtered such that only the results that fall within each calendar entry are used to calculate the baseline value. A separate baseline value is calculated for each calendar entry.
Specifies the name of the Hourly Schedule entry that defines the time period when the override is active. The situation override is always active if you do not enter a Hourly Schedule interval. For the INLINE_CAL_ENTRY variable, use the [HHmm,HHmm] format, where HH is for hours in 00-23 notation and mm stands for minutes.

If one or more Hourly Schedule intervals are entered, historical data results from the warehouse are filtered such that only the results that fall within each Hourly Schedule are used to calculate the baseline value. A separate baseline value is calculated for each Hourly Schedule interval.

Specifies the starting time from which historical data from the warehouse will be used. Historical results queried from the warehouse are bounded by the start and end times. The start time value is specified as a timestamp in the format CYYMMDDHHmmSS or CYYMMDDHHmmSSsss, where:
  • C=the century identifier (use 1 for year 2000 and later, 0 for earlier)
  • YY=the year (for example, '08' for 2008)
  • MM=the month (for example, '01' for January, or '12' for December)
  • DD=the day of the month (for example, '06' for the 6th, or '31' for the 31st)
  • HH=the hour of the day (for example, '08' for 8 A.M. or '17' for 5 P.M.)
  • mm=the minute of the hour (for example, '00' for 'on the hour', '30', and so on)
  • SS=the second (for example, '01' for one second past the minute)
  • sss=milliseconds (for example, '500' for half a second). This value is optional.
Specifies the ending time from which historical data from the warehouse will be used. Historical results queried from the warehouse are bounded by the start and end times. The end time value is specified as a timestamp in the format CYYMMDDHHmmSS or CYYMMDDHHmmSSsss, where:
  • C=the century identifier (use 1 for year 2000 and later, 0 for earlier)
  • YY=the year (for example, '08' for 2008)
  • MM=the month (for example, '01' for January, or '12' for December)
  • DD=the day of the month (for example, '06' for the 6th, or '31' for the 31st)
  • HH=the hour of the day (for example, '08' for 8 A.M. or '17' for 5 P.M.)
  • mm=the minute of the hour (for example, '00' for 'on the hour', '30', and so on)
  • SS=the second (for example, '01' for one second past the minute)
  • sss=milliseconds (for example, '500' for half a second). This value is optional.
Specifies the statistical function that is used to calculate baseline values for the historical data queried from the warehouse. The statistical function is specified in the format:
{ mode | percent NUM | avg[{+|-}NUM] | min[{+|-}NUM] | max[{+|-}NUM] }
min[{+|-}NUM] : minimum value +/- NUM percent of the value 
max[{+|-}NUM] : maximum value +/- NUM percent of the value
avg[{+|-}NUM] : average value +/- NUM standard deviations
percent NUM   : value for the NUM percentile
mode          : most frequently observed value
When the mode calculation yields multiple results, the first result is used by the acceptBaseline command for the purposes of setting the override value.
Specifies the situation formula predicate for which the baseline value is calculated. The predicate must be enclosed in double quotation marks and entered in the format "ATTRIBUTE OPERATOR VALUE" with spaces between ATTRIBUTE, OPERATOR, and VALUE. The predicate OPERATOR must be one of the following: "EQ", "NE", "GT", "LT", "GE", or "LE". Historical data results from the warehouse used for statistical calculations are restricted to values recorded for the attribute specified by this predicate.

The attribute can be entered by using either the formula name or the display name for the attribute. Run the tacmd listSitAttributes -s SITNAME command to view the eligible attribute names for the situation.

Specifies the key condition or key conditions restricting the predicate attribute for which the baseline value will be calculated. Each key condition must be enclosed in double quotation marks and entered in the format "ATTRIBUTE OPERATOR VALUE" with spaces between ATTRIBUTE, OPERATOR, and VALUE. The key condition OPERATOR is restricted to the value "EQ". Historical data results from the warehouse used for statistical calculations are restricted to values recorded for the predicate attribute where all of the key conditions (where ATTRIBUTE equals VALUE) are satisfied.

The key condition attribute name can be entered by using either the formula name or the display name for the attribute. Run the tacmd listSitAttributes -s SITNAME command to view the eligible key condition attribute names for the situation.

Specifies the existing User ID to log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
Specifies the password for user authentication.
Specifies the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server hostname.

CLI example

This example calculates and sets baseline values by using the average value plus 1 standard deviation for managed system Primary:LEVER:NT for the NT_NotesServerProcess situation, where the "Binary Path" attribute value is equal to "C:\Notes\NotesServer\nserver.exe" . Baseline values for the calendar entries WeekdayMorning and WeekdayAfternoon are calculated by using metrics stored in the Tivoli Data Warehouse between 5:59 a.m. July 28th, 2008, and 1 a.m. August 29th, 2008:
tacmd acceptbaseline --userid sysadmin --password ******** --system Primary:LEVER:NT 
--situation NT_NotesServerProcess --predicate "% Processor Time GE 50" 
--function AVG+1 --startdata 1080728055900 --enddata 1080829010000 
--key "Binary Path EQ C:\Notes\NotesServer\nserver.exe" 
--calendarentry WeekdayMorning WeekdayAfternoon

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

Return to Table 1.
