IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd restartAgent


Use the tacmd restartAgent command to restart the specified agents or the agents for the specified managed systems, locally or remotely, if they are not running. The OS agent must be running on the local computer before issuing this command for a non-OS agent. You must have permission to restart a service on an operating system to restart an agent. You can restart all agents of one or more specified types on a specified node remotely by running the restartagent command with the -t|--type and -n|--node options.

If you have the authority to restart agents and you specify only the agent type, you do not need to log in to restart an agent on a local computer. When you run the restartagent command on a local system, use the -t|--type option and do not use the -n|--node or -m|--system options.

When you specify only an agent type, all agents of that type are restarted on the local computer.

To restart an OS agent, you must issue the command on the local computer where the agent is installed.

By using the bulk deployment option, the agents specified in the bundle group are restarted on the managed systems specified in the deployment group.

The no execute option is intended to allow the user to determine which managed systems will be restarted.

Note: You cannot use this command to restart a non-default Universal Agent instance that you created manually. Use the itmcmd agent command with the -p option instead to restart a non-default Universal Agent instance.
Note: If you attempt to restart the portal server using this command, you will receive a failure message. To restart the portal server, you must use either the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Services or the associated command line, for example, itmcmd server.
Note: Remote Deployment is not supported in environments with a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. This restriction includes this command.

CLI syntax

Restarting IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring agent, remote execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-m|--system} SYSTEM...
                   [ {-f|--force} ]

Restarting IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent, remote execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-n|--node} MANAGED-OS
                   {-t|--type} TYPE ...
                   [ {-f|--force} ]

Restarting IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent, local execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-t|--type} TYPE ...
                   [ {-f|--force} ]

Restarting System Service Monitors agent, remote execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-h|--host} [ {smb|ssh|rexec|rsh}:// ] HOST [ :PORT ]  
                   {-u|--username} USERNAME
                   {-w|--password} PASSWORD   
                   [ {-p|--property|--properties} SECTION.NAME=VALUE ...]
                   [ {-d|--dir|--directory} INSTALLDIR ]
                   [ {-f|--force} ]

Restarting IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent, bulk remote execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-g|--deploygroup DEPLOY_GROUP_NAME}
                   {-b|--bundlegroup BUNDLE_GROUP_NAME}
                   [ [{-f|--force} | {-x|--noexecute} ]

Restarting System Service Monitors agent, bulk remote execution path:

tacmd restartAgent
                   {-g|--deploygroup DEPLOY_GROUP_NAME}
                   {-b|--bundlegroup BUNDLE_GROUP_NAME}
                   [ {-u|--username} USERNAME ]
                   [ {-w|--password} PASSWORD ]
                   [ {-s|--serverlist} SERVER_LIST ]
                   [ [{-f|--force} | {-x|--noexecute} ]

Specifies a managed system on which to restart the agents.
Restarts the specified agents without confirmation.
Specifies one or more agents or agent instances to restart. The value of type is scoped to the node level.
Specifies the node on which to restart the agent. The node is the installation directory for all agents. The name of a node includes the computer where the OS agent is installed and the product code for the OS agent. For example, is the name of the node on computer, which has a Linux OS agent installed.
Specifies the host on which to restart the System Service Monitors agent. Optionally, a specific connection protocol and a port can be specified.
Specifies a valid user log in ID on the specified host.
Specifies the password for the specified username.
Specifies one or more SECTION.NAME=VALUE pairs that identify configuration properties, where SECTION specifies the configuration section containing the configuration property, NAME specifies the name of the configuration property, and VALUE specifies the property value. Specify the instance name of the system to be configured through the INSTANCE property for systems that can have multiple instances.
Specifies one or more server names separated by spaces.
Specifies the location on the specified host where the agent is installed, if the agent is not installed in the default location. This location must be specified as a directory, in absolute path format.
Specifies the name of the deployment group to which the agents in the bundle group will be restarted.
Specifies the name of the bundle group containing the agent(s) which will be restarted on the managed system(s) in the deployment group.
Causes the command to display which managed systems will be restarted.

CLI example

This command restarts the Universal Agent agent with name stone:UA.
   tacmd restartAgent -m stone:UA
This command restarts all UM agents on the node Primary:STONE:NT.
   tacmd restartAgent –n Primary:STONE:NT –t UM
This command restarts all NT agents on the local system.
   tacmd restartAgent –t NT
The following command restarts a System Service Monitors agent:
tacmd restartagent -h -u administrator  
-w ****** -d D:\ibm\itm
The following example is for bulk execution. The command restarts IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents:
tacmd  restartagent -g WindowsGroup -b NTBundle

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

tacmd stopAgent

tacmd startAgent

Return to Table 1.
