Class idx.widget.HoverHelp

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget, dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin.
Provides a button-like widget for context-sensitive hover help.
Defined in: <idx\widget\HoverHelp.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Set this to true if you want to set a limit on the size of tooltip container.
The prefix to prepend to the provided HREF.
Set this to true if you want the help message to only open when clicked rather than when hovered.
The flag indicating if this widget is disabled.
The delay (in milliseconds) before the hover help is hidden when hovering ceases.
The URL or path to use for launching a new window with additional help on the topic.
The prefix to prepend to the topicID to create the key for looking up the href in the resources.
The suffix to append to the topicID to create the key for looking up the href in the resources.
This is the text label to give to the link that launches the external help system in a new window.
Defaults for high-contrast mode (when they cannot be discerned from the theme).
This is the HTML message content to display in the popup.
The prefix to prepend to the topicID to create the key for looking up the message in the resources.
The suffix to append to the topicID to create the key for looking up the message in the resources.
Indication of whether or not the "compact" icon is desired instead of the "standard" icon.
The resources to use for optionally obtaining the message and href for this instance.
Set this to true if you want to show the close icon.
The delay (in milliseconds) before the hover help is shown.
Alternatively to directly specifying the message or the href, the message ID can be specified in order to trigger lookup of the message in the provided resources object.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Overridden to update contained entities.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
Returns the current default profile to use for HoverHelp instances.
Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the dijit._Widget.attr() function is called for each property that was set.
Sets the default profile to use for the HoverHelp instances.
Called at startup to set state and update all the contained resources like the message and href.

Constructor Detail


	   Example usage:
	  	<div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"></div>
	  	<div dojoType="idx.widget.HoverHelp" message="Hello, World!"

Field Detail


Set this to true if you want to set a limit on the size of tooltip container.

{String} baseHref

The prefix to prepend to the provided HREF. Typically this is set through the provided or installed resources, however, it can be overridden here. If this value is not provided the default value will be taken from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "baseHref" key. The default value for this is empty-string.
Default Value:


Set this to true if you want the help message to only open when clicked rather than when hovered.


The flag indicating if this widget is disabled.


The delay (in milliseconds) before the hover help is hidden when hovering ceases. This is ignored if "clickToOpen" is set to true since you must then click to close.

{String} href

The URL or path to use for launching a new window with additional help on the topic. If this is not privided then an attempt is made to lookup the href in the resources using the key formed by concatenating hrefKeyPrefix, topicID, and hrefKeySuffix. If no href can be found, then no link is shown for additional help. If provided, a link is displayed using the "moreInfoLabel".

{String} hrefKeyPrefix

The prefix to prepend to the topicID to create the key for looking up the href in the resources. If this value is not provided the default value will be taken from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "hrefKeyPrefix" key. The default value for this is "topic_".
Default Value:

{String} hrefKeySuffix

The suffix to append to the topicID to create the key for looking up the href in the resources. If this value is not provided the default value will be taken from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "hrefKeySuffix" key. The default value for this is "_href".
Default Value:

{String} hrefLabel

This is the text label to give to the link that launches the external help system in a new window. If this is not specified during construction, the default is obtained from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "moreInfoLabel" key. The default text will be something like "Learn more...".
Default Value:


Defaults for high-contrast mode (when they cannot be discerned from the theme).

{String} message

This is the HTML message content to display in the popup. If this is not specified, the widget attempts to lookup its content in the resources using the key formed by concatenating messageKeyPrefix, topicID, and messageKeySuffix. If no content can be determined then default text is displayed indicating that no help has been defined.
Default Value:

{String} messageKeyPrefix

The prefix to prepend to the topicID to create the key for looking up the message in the resources. If this value is not provided the default value will be taken from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "messageKeyPrefix" key. The default value for this is "topic_".
Default Value:

{String} messageKeySuffix

The suffix to append to the topicID to create the key for looking up the message in the resources. If this value is not provided the default value will be taken from resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope and the "messageKeySuffix" key. The default value for this is "_message".
Default Value:


Indication of whether or not the "compact" icon is desired instead of the "standard" icon. Typically the compact icon is used when many form fields are clustered together with HoverHelp in order to prevent the help icons from overwhelming the appearance of the form. The standard icon is used when the HoverHelp icon needs to stand out on the page and typically when it is one of only a few HoverHelp icons displayed on the page.

The default for all instances can be controlled via the idx.widget.HoverHelp.setDefaultProfile() function. If not set then the default is "standard".

Default Value:

{Object} resources

The resources to use for optionally obtaining the message and href for this instance. This is also used to obtain the default resources used by this instance. If not specified the default resources are pulled from idx.resources using the "idx.widget.HoverHelp" scope. Any resources not overridden fallback to the default resources. The default resources that are used by this include: - defaultHrefLabel: The label for the href linking to additional information. - defaultTitle: Default title to use for the button. - defaultMessage: Text to display when the message has not been defined. - baseHref: The base Href to prepend to all hrefs provided. Typically, one would specify a resources attribute that defines messages and hrefs for one or more topicIDs and the same object would be shared among many instances of this widget, with each one pulling its message and href using a different topicID.
Default Value:


Set this to true if you want to show the close icon.


The delay (in milliseconds) before the hover help is shown. This is ignored if "clickToOpen" is set to true since hovering does not open the hover help in that case.

{String} topicID

Alternatively to directly specifying the message or the href, the message ID can be specified in order to trigger lookup of the message in the provided resources object. When looking up the message by message ID the key used for lookup is constructed by concatenating the messageKeyPrefix, the topicID, and the messageKeySuffix. When looking up the href, the key for lookup is constructed by concatenating the hrefKeyPrefix, topicID, and the hrefKeySuffix. If no topicID is provided then no such lookups are performed.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Overridden to update contained entities.

constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node

<static> idx.widget.HoverHelp.getDefaultProfile()

Returns the current default profile to use for HoverHelp instances. If an invalid value was previously set then "standard" is returned.
The current default profile.


Overrides dijit._Widget.postMixInProperties() to ensure that the dijit._Widget.attr() function is called for each property that was set.

<static> idx.widget.HoverHelp.setDefaultProfile(profile)

Sets the default profile to use for the HoverHelp instances. If set to an invalid value or not set at all then "standard" is used. Valid values include: "compact" and "standard".
The name of the profile (either "standard" or "compact")


Called at startup to set state and update all the contained resources like the message and href. Also attaches the contained dialog's orient method for tooltips.