Class ecm.widget._SinglePropertyEditorMixin

Provides a base class for a single property editor.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\_SinglePropertyEditorMixin.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns the prompt text which was set by SinglePropertyEditorFactory when it created this editor.
Return the editor's value as an array.
Returns true if this is a hidden field.
Returns true if this is a read only field.
Used by search to determine if search should create 2 editor fields or just 1 editor field.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail


Returns the prompt text which was set by SinglePropertyEditorFactory when it created this editor.


Return the editor's value as an array.


Returns true if this is a hidden field.


Returns true if this is a read only field.



Used by search to determine if search should create 2 editor fields or just 1 editor field. For example, xs:date field should display 2 editor fields when the operator is BETWEEN. However, multi-value choice list supports only 1 editor field for all operators.