
Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
AppMarquee repsents the basic "header-type" information for an application. For example, for some OS desktops this would be a "start menu", task bar, tray icons, and clock at the bottom, while for others it might be a menu bar, tray icons, and clock at the top. Applications typically have an area that is similar where an application logo is displayed and optionally a vendor logo along with some basic content. CSS Options can control which of the BorderContainer regions serves as the "marquee" and "body" regions using the following
Defined in: <idx\app\AppMarquee.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The URL to the application logo to display in the marquee of the page.
The name of the application.
Defaults to true -- this enables the ability for the widget to automatically determine certain aspects of its dimensions.
Toggle this flag to enable or disable the default vendor logo.
Set this to true to prefer showing the application logo rather than the application name if the application logo is provided.
Set this to true to prefer showing the vendor logo rather than the vendor name if the vendor logo is provided.
The URL to the vendor logo to display in the marquee of the page.
The name of the vendor that provides the application.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Overridden to obtain CSS options before calling the base implementation.
constructor(args, node)
Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
postCreate - default behavior
Resize method that extends parent by factoring in space for the name and logo.
Called at startup to create an border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.

Constructor Detail

	   CSS URL query options: 
	   - app: [ header | top | leader | left | center | trailer | right | footer | bottom ]
	   - vendor: [ header | top | leader | left | center | trailer | right | footer | bottom ]
	   - body: [ header | top | leader | left | center | trailer | right | footer | bottom ]
	   - borderDesign: [see idx.border.BorderDesign ]
	   - fixedSize: [ true | false ]
	   Example usage:
	   <div dojoType="" 
	       appName="Your Product Name Here"
	       vendorName="IBM ®"

Field Detail

{String} appLogo

The URL to the application logo to display in the marquee of the page. This is optional, but if provided is used in place of the "appName" in the "app" region of the of the marquee.

{String} appName

The name of the application. This is displayed in the "app" region of the marquee, unless an appLogo URL is provided, in which case this becomes the "alternate" text for image for accessibility purposes.

{boolean} autoSizing

Defaults to true -- this enables the ability for the widget to automatically determine certain aspects of its dimensions. Set this to false if you are explicitly setting dimensions via CSS.
Default Value:


Toggle this flag to enable or disable the default vendor logo. If the default logo is disabled and no vendor logo path is provided then the vendor logo will not be shown. If a vendor logo path is provided it takes precedence over the default vendor logo.


Set this to true to prefer showing the application logo rather than the application name if the application logo is provided.


Set this to true to prefer showing the vendor logo rather than the vendor name if the vendor logo is provided.

{String} vendorLogo

The URL to the vendor logo to display in the marquee of the page. This is optional, but if provided is used in place of the "vendorName" in the "vendor" region of the of the marquee.

{String} vendorName

The name of the vendor that provides the application. This is displayed in the vendor region of the marquee, unless a vendorLogo URL is provided, in which case this becomes the "alternate" text for image for accessibility purposes.

Method Detail


Overridden to obtain CSS options before calling the base implementation. Sets options, design and sizing.

constructor(args, node)

Constructor Handles the reading any attributes passed via markup.
{Object} args
{Object} node


postCreate - default behavior


Resize method that extends parent by factoring in space for the name and logo. Calls contained borderLayout 'layout' method.


Called at startup to create an border.BorderLayout given the input arguments.