Class idx.widget.DeferredIFrame

Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
An widget that creates an iFrame that initially points at "blank.html" page, but updates to specified "href" parameter upon startup. This is used to avoid having the browser (Internet Explorer) process the JavaScript in the loaded source prior to the iframe being placed at its proper position in the document.
Defined in: <idx\widget\DeferredIFrame.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The URL to use for the "src" of the iframe.
The template string for this widget.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Overridden to handle setting the "src" attribute on the DOM node for this widget to the "href" attribute assuming it is non-empty and non-null.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{String} href

The URL to use for the "src" of the iframe.
Default Value:

{String} templateString

The template string for this widget.
Default Value:

Method Detail


Overridden to handle setting the "src" attribute on the DOM node for this widget to the "href" attribute assuming it is non-empty and non-null. If empty string or null then the "src" attribute is removed.