Namespace idx.dialogs

Provides convenient functions to show/hide common dialogs.
Defined in: <idx\dialogs.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
idx.dialogs.confirm(s, cbOk, cbCancel, labelOk, labelCancel)
Shows a confirmation dialog with a specified message, optionally with callbacks and custom labels for OK and Cancel buttons.
idx.dialogs.error(error, cb, labelOk)
Shows an error dialog with a specified error string or object, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button.
Hides a progress dialog shown by showProgressDialog().
<static>, cb, labelOk)
Shows an information dialog with a specified message, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button.
idx.dialogs.showProgressDialog(s, msec)
Shows a progress dialog with a specified message, optionally with duration for automatic pop-down.
idx.dialogs.warn(s, cb, labelOk)
Shows a warning dialog with a specified message, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

<static> idx.dialogs.confirm(s, cbOk, cbCancel, labelOk, labelCancel)

Shows a confirmation dialog with a specified message, optionally with callbacks and custom labels for OK and Cancel buttons.
{String} s
Specifies the message.
{Function} cbOk
Specifies a callback function called when OK button is clicked.
{Function} cbCancel
Specifies a callback function called when Cancel button is clicked.
{String} labelOk
Specifies a custom label for OK button.
{String} labelCancel
Specifies a custom label for Cancel button.

<static> idx.dialogs.error(error, cb, labelOk)

Shows an error dialog with a specified error string or object, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button. When an error object is specified, it may include the following properties:
{String|Object} error
Specifies the error string or object.
{Function} cb
Specifies a callback function called when OK button is clicked.
{String} labelOk
Specifies a custom label for OK button.

<static> idx.dialogs.hideProgressDialog()

Hides a progress dialog shown by showProgressDialog().

<static>, cb, labelOk)

Shows an information dialog with a specified message, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button.
{String} s
Specifies the message.
{Function} cb
Specifies a callback function called when OK button is clicked.
{String} labelOk
Specifies a custom label for OK button.

<static> idx.dialogs.showProgressDialog(s, msec)

Shows a progress dialog with a specified message, optionally with duration for automatic pop-down.
{String} s
Specifies the message.
{Number} msec
Specifies duration for automatic pop-down in milliseconds.

<static> idx.dialogs.warn(s, cb, labelOk)

Shows a warning dialog with a specified message, optionally with a callback and a custom label for OK button.
{String} s
Specifies the message.
{Function} cb
Specifies a callback function called when OK button is clicked.
{String} labelOk
Specifies a custom label for OK button.