Verifying rules as fired or not fired

The Rules section displays a list of rules that are fired as a result of processing the selected event. The rules are processed and evaluated during the recording. Use the Fired and Not Fired lists to verify that the correct rules are fired during event processing.

About this task

The Rules section contains folders so that you can see how a list of rules is organized, and quickly navigate through a long list of rules. Folders are displayed in case-sensitive and alphabetical order. The contents of the folders are sorted alphabetically. The folders are expanded by default, but you can click a folder to close it or expand it. The expansion state of folders and subfolders is saved when you move between the Data section and the Rules section. However, if you select a different event, the expansion state of the folders is cleared. Only folders that contain child rules or child folders with child rules will be displayed. If there is an empty folder in your solution project, that folder is not included in the Rules section.

You can filter rules according to their names by typing a search string in the Filter rules field. The filtering is case-insensitive and trailing spaces are removed. You can use the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) in the search string. The rules that match the filter are displayed with the parent folder or folders recursively expanded. The filter string is saved if you move to the Data section or select a different event. To modify a saved search, click the Filter rules field to select the entire search string.


  1. In the Rules section, click the All, Fired, or Not Fired label to organize and filter the list of rules.
    A rule appears in the Fired list with a green check mark symbol (Green check mark symbol) next to it under these conditions:
    • The rule includes a when clause that evaluates to true, and the then condition or the else condition is activated.
    • The rule does not include a when clause, and the then condition or the else condition is activated.
    A rule that appears under the Not Fired heading with a red cross symbol (Red cross symbol) next to it is not evaluated, or does not match any of the conditions.
  2. Assess the business logic of the rules that are displayed in the All list to verify that the event is processed as expected.