Class icm.pgwidget.caseselectdocument.CaseSelectDocument

Extends icm.pgwidget.caseselectdocument.dijit.CaseSelectDocumentContentPane, icm.base.BasePageWidget.
Represents the Select Case Documents widget which is used to select the documents from an existing case that are also to be associated with a new split case.
Defined in: <icm/pgwidget/caseselectdocument/CaseSelectDocument.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Handler for the icm.ClearContent event which can be used to clear the content in the Select Case Document widget.
Handler for the icm.ClearSelectedDoc event which can be used to clear the selected documents in the Select Case Document widget.
Handler for the icm.SendSplitCaseInfo event which is received when user splits a case.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail


Handler for the icm.ClearContent event which can be used to clear the content in the Select Case Document widget.


Handler for the icm.ClearSelectedDoc event which can be used to clear the selected documents in the Select Case Document widget.


Handler for the icm.SendSplitCaseInfo event which is received when user splits a case.
Example: payload = { "caseEditable": caseEditable, "coordination": coordination };