Class icm.action.workitem.DispatchWorkItemAndClosePage

Extends icm.action.Action.
Dispatches the current work item. If the next work item is not opened automatically, this action also closes the current Work Details page.

Context required by this action: [['WorkItemPage', 'Coordination']]

The following series of coordination topics will be started in sequence:

The coordination will be started with the following context:

Defined in: <icm/action/workitem/DispatchWorkItemAndClosePage.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class icm.action.Action:
arguments, menu, resourceBundle, title, widget

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class icm.action.Action:
broadcastEvent, canPerformAction, cleanActionContext, getActionContext, getArgument, getArguments, getCallback, getWidget, init, isCM8, isGlobalEnabled, performAction, postExecute, preExecute, publishEvent, refreshMenus, setActionContext, setEnabled, setVisible, showConfirmationDialog, showErrDialog

Constructor Detail


Method Detail



