Class icm.model.Timeline

Extends ecm.model._ModelObject.
Represents a timeline object.
Defined in: <icm/model/Timeline.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Constructs a Timeline object.

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The case identifier for this Timeline object.
The repository identifier for this Timeline object.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
getCaseHistoryNonTaskEvents(properties, eventTypes, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)
Get list of events for a given case (except for task and step events) Events are returned in reverse chronological order of the time that they actually occurred.
getCaseHistoryOverview(callback, errCallback)
Get event histogram and status of a case case.
getCaseHistoryStepsEvents(stepIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)
Get all step events for list of steps The events are returned in REVERSE chronological order.
getCaseHistoryTasks(properties, parentId, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenTasks, excludeUnstartedTasks)
Get list of all tasks for given case The list of tasks is returned in chronological order of the time they were actually started (if they were, in fact, started).
getCaseHistoryTasksEvents(taskIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenProperties)
Get all task events for list of tasks IMPORTANT: No events are returned that did not occur within the specified time window.
getCaseHistoryTasksSteps(taskIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)
Get list of all steps for a list of tasks Steps are returned in chronological order of the time they actually started on the case management system.
getCaseHistoryUserDefinedProperties(eventIds, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenProperties)
Retrieve modified user-defined properties for a list of events Return all user-defined modified properties for a list of events.
getConfigurationStatus(repositoryId, callback, errCallback)
Returns the configuration status of case history visualizer/snapshot configuration

Constructor Detail


Constructs a Timeline object.
The properties for the Timeline object. The properties can be any of the public fields as defined below and on ecm.model._ModelObject.

Field Detail


The case identifier for this Timeline object.


The repository identifier for this Timeline object.

Method Detail



getCaseHistoryNonTaskEvents(properties, eventTypes, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)

Get list of events for a given case (except for task and step events) Events are returned in reverse chronological order of the time that they actually occurred.
an array of predefined property strings of the event that the caller wishes to be returned. predefined property strings are: eventId action eventTime userName entityId entityName parentId if this parameter is null, all properties are returned
filters the classes of events to be returned in an array of string. valid class events are: caseEvent caseCommentEvent documentEvent documentCommentEvent documentFilingEvent if this parameter is null, all class events are returned
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example:"2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example:"2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function called with icm.model.ResultSet
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	 "continuationToken": <opaque string>,
	                // if null, this is last batch of results. The "data"
	                // array may or may not have some results.
	 "startWindow": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	 "endWindow": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	 "data": // array of non-task and non-step events returned
	      "eventId": <string> ,
	      "eventType": <string>,
	           // name of the event type, e.g., "DocumentEvent".
	      "action" : <string> , // Action the event took.
	      "eventTime": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	      "userName": <string> ,
	                //name of case worker that caused event
	      "entityId": <string> ,
	                // instance Id GUID of target case object
	      "entityName": <string>
	                 // name of the case object on which event occurred
	      "parentId" : <string> // GUID

getCaseHistoryOverview(callback, errCallback)

Get event histogram and status of a case case.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

  "entityName" : <string> ,
  "caseStatus": <string> , //"CREATED" "STARTED", "COMPLETED"
  "firstEventTime" : "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z",
  "lastEventTime" :  "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z",
        "startTime" : "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z",
	                   // time at start of bin
        "endTime" : "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z",
                    // time at end of bin
        "count" : <integer> , // total number of events in the bin.

getCaseHistoryStepsEvents(stepIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)

Get all step events for list of steps The events are returned in REVERSE chronological order. IMPORTANT: No events are returned that did not happen within the time window specified.
Array of strings of one or more step object GUID's.
an array of predefined property strings of the event that the caller wishes to be returned. predefined property strings are: eventId entityId eventType action userName eventTime parentId entityName properties if this parameter is null, all properties are returned
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	  "continuationToken": <string> ,
	           // If null, there are no more batches, and there
	           // may or may not be some results in this batch.
	  "endWindow": <string> ,
	      "entityId" : <string> , // the step case object id associated with this event
	      "eventId": <string> , // the unique Id GUID of the event row in the case history rdb
	      "eventType": <string> , // name of step event type, e.g., "StepEvent".
	      "action": <string> ,  // action that the event took
	      "eventTime": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	      "parentId" : <string>,
	      "entityName" : <string>,
	      "userName" : <string>, // user that caused the event
	         "symbolicName" : "CH_symbolic_name_for_integer_prop",
	         "displayName" : "Sample Integer Property",
	         "type" : "integer",
	         "isArray" : false,
	         "value" : 123
	        ... // more custom properties
	    ... // more step events

getCaseHistoryTasks(properties, parentId, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenTasks, excludeUnstartedTasks)

Get list of all tasks for given case The list of tasks is returned in chronological order of the time they were actually started (if they were, in fact, started).
an array of predefined property strings of the event that the caller wishes to be returned. predefined property strings are: taskId parentId isContainer entityName status firstEventTime lastEventTime if this parameter is null, all properties are returned
Id of parent task with this task Id will be returned. Top level tasks have the case folder as their parent.
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.
Optional, true to exclude hidden tasks from the data returned. Default value is false.
Optional, true to exclude unstarted tasks from the data returned. Default value is true.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	 "continuationToken": <string>,
	       // If null, this is last batch of results, and
	       // there may or may not be some results in this batch.
	  "startWindow": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	  "endWindow": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	  "data": // array of tasks that have some part of themselves running
	          // in the time window
	      "taskId": <string> ,  // task case object identity GUID
	      "parentId" : <string> ,  // Optional Id GUID of parent task ID for
	      "isContainer" : false,
	      "entityName": <string> , // user-assigned task name
	      "status": <string> ,  // "CREATED", "INITIATED", "COMPLETED", etc.
	      "firstEventTime": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	                    // time of first event
	      "lastEventTime": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	                    // time of last event

getCaseHistoryTasksEvents(taskIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenProperties)

Get all task events for list of tasks IMPORTANT: No events are returned that did not occur within the specified time window. The events are returned in REVERSE chronological order.
Array of strings of one or more Id GUID's of task case object instances.
an array of predefined property strings of the event that the caller wishes to be returned. predefined property strings are: eventId entityId eventType action userName eventTime parentId entityName if this parameter is null, all properties are returned
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.
Optional, true to exclude hidden properties from the data returned. Default value is true.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	  "continuationToken": <opaque string> ,
	           // If null, there are no more batches, and there
	           // may or may not be some results in this batch.
	  "startWindow: "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	                // see DATE-TIME VALUES
	  "endWindow": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	               // see DATE-TIME VALUES
	    { // events for a given task are consecutive array elements
	      "entityId": <string> ,  // CE identity GUID of task
	      "eventId": <string> , // Id GUID within case history database of the event
	      "eventType": <string> ,  // name of the type of event, e.g., "TaskEvent"
	      "action" : <string> , // action event took, e.g., "INITIATE"
	      "userName":  <string> ,  // name of user who caused the event
	      "eventTime": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	      "parentId" : <string> ,
	      "entityName" : <string> , //

	      "properties" :
	         "symbolicName" : "CH_symbolic_name_for_integer_prop",
	         "displayName" : "Sample Integer Property",
	         "type" : "integer",
	         "isArray" : false,
	         "value" : 123
	        ... // more custom properties
	    ... // more task events

getCaseHistoryTasksSteps(taskIds, properties, startWindow, endWindow, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest)

Get list of all steps for a list of tasks Steps are returned in chronological order of the time they actually started on the case management system. Step information is returned only for steps that have some part of themselves running within the specified time window. The steps are returned whether or not any events of the step occurred within the time window. So, for example, it is possible that the start event is before the time window, and the end event is after the time window, and no step events occurred in the time window, but the step will be returned, because it ran for the whole duration of the time window.
Array of strings of one or more identity GUID's of tasks.
an array of predefined property strings of the event that the caller wishes to be returned. predefined property strings are: taskId stepId entityName status firstEventTime lastEventTime if this parameter is null, all properties are returned
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
UTC epoch in milliseconds in IETF format. For example: "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z"
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	  "continuationToken": <string> ,
	           // If null, there are no more batches, and there
	           // may or may not be some results in this batch.
	  "startWindow": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	  "endWindow": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,

	      "taskId" : <string> ,  // Id GUID of parent task
	      "stepId": <string> ,  // Id GUID of step instance
	      "entityName": <string> ,  // e.g., "Benefit Claim"
	      "firstEventTime": "2012-09-24T08:09:10.123Z" ,
	                        // time of first step event
	      "lastEventTime": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z" ,
	                       // time of last step event
	      "status": <string> , // status of step.

getCaseHistoryUserDefinedProperties(eventIds, batchSize,, callback, errCallback, backgroundRequest, excludeHiddenProperties)

Retrieve modified user-defined properties for a list of events Return all user-defined modified properties for a list of events. No events that happened outside the time window are returned.
Array of strings of one or more event GUID's.
Integer. Maximum number of events to be returned to client. (Default size is 200) Server may limit number of results returned to less than the requested batchSize or there may simply be less. If null is passed in, default size if used.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.
Optional, true if the request to the server should be issued in the background.
Optional, true to exclude hidden properties from the data returned. Default value is true.

Example data returned to the caller in JSON notation:

	  "continuationToken": <string>,
	           // If null, there are no more batches, and there
	           // may or may not be some results in this batch.
	      "eventId": <string> , // event Id GUID
	      "eventType": <string> , // name of event type, e.g. "DocumentEvent", etc.
	      "action" : <string> , // event action
	      "entityId": <string> , // GUID
	      "eventTime": "2012-09-24T08:10:10.123Z",
	      "userName": <string> , // name of person who caused event.

	      "parentId" : <string> ,
	      "properties" :
	         "symbolicName" : "CH_symbolic_name_for_integer_prop",
	         "displayName" : "Sample Integer Property",
	         "type" : "integer",
	         "isArray" : false,
	         "value" : 123
	        ... // more custom properties
	    ... // more events

getConfigurationStatus(repositoryId, callback, errCallback)

Returns the configuration status of case history visualizer/snapshot configuration
The id of the target object store.
a function that is called when the case history data retrieval has completed. This object is passed as an argument to the method.
a function that is called when an exception has occurred. This object is passed as an argument to the method. This parameter may be null.

The returning JSON data contains two boolean fields: configured - true if case history is configured, else false enabled - true if case history feature is enabled, else false