Class icm.action.workitem.MoveToInbox

Extends icm.action.Action.
Moves the selected work item to the user's personal in-basket.

Context required by this action: [['WorkItem', 'Solution']]

Defined in: <icm/action/workitem/MoveToInbox.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class icm.action.Action:
arguments, menu, resourceBundle, title, widget

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class icm.action.Action:
broadcastEvent, canPerformAction, cleanActionContext, getActionContext, getArgument, getArguments, getCallback, getWidget, init, isCM8, isGlobalEnabled, isVisible, performAction, postExecute, preExecute, publishEvent, refreshMenus, setActionContext, setEnabled, setVisible, showConfirmationDialog, showErrDialog

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

