Locating code for customizing end-user web pages

For ongoing customization of end-user web pages, you must know the code locations for those web pages. The following table summarizes this information:
Table 1. Location of code for various web pages
Main header (and sample web page if any) Location of code in pkiserv.tmpl certificate templates file
"1-Year PKI S/MIME Browser Certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"1-Year PKI SSL Browser Certificate" (See Figure 1.) TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"2-Year EV SSL server certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"2-Year PKI Browser Certificate For Authenticating To z/OS®" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"2-Year PKI Authenticode - Code Signing Certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"5-Year PKI Intermediate CA Certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"5-Year PKI IPSEC Server (Firewall) Certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"5-Year PKI SSL Server Certificate" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"5-Year SCEP certificate - Preregistration" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"n-Year PKI Certificate for Extensions Demonstration" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"Here's Your Certificate. Cut and Paste it to a File" INSERT section, -return10cert INSERT. (This is referenced in the RETURNCERT subsection of the TEMPLATE section of each certificate template.)
"Internet Explorer Certificate Install" (See Figure 1.) INSERT section, returnbrowsercertIE INSERT
"Preregistration successful" INSERT section, -preregok INSERT. (This is referenced in the SUCCESSCONTENT subsection of the TEMPLATE section of each certificate template.)
"PKI Services Certificate Generation Application" (See Figure 1.) APPLICATION section, CONTENT subsection
"Renew or Revoke a Browser Certificate" (See Figure 2.) APPLICATION section, RECONTENT subsection
"Internet Explorer Auto Renewed Certificate Install" APPLICATION section, RENEWEDCERT subsection
"Request submitted successfully" (For submitting a successful certificate request or renewal, see Figure 3.)
  • For a successful certificate request or renewal: INSERT section, -requestok INSERT. (This is referenced in the SUCCESSCONTENT subsection of the TEMPLATE section of the appropriate certificate template.)
  • For a successful certificate revocation: INSERT section, -renewrevokeok INSERT. (This is referenced in the RESUCCESSCONTENT subsection of the APPLICATION section.)
"Request was not successful"
  • For an unsuccessful certificate request: INSERT section, -requestbad INSERT. (This is referenced in the FAILURECONTENT subsection of the TEMPLATE section of each certificate template.)
  • For an unsuccessful certificate revocation request: INSERT section, -renewrevokebad INSERT. (This is referenced in the REFAILURECONTENT subsection of the APPLICATION section.)
"Retrieve Your 1-Year PKI S/MIME Browser Certificate" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 1-Year PKI SSL Browser Certificate" (See Figure 4.) TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 2-Year PKI Browser Certificate For Authenticating To z/OS" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 2-Year PKI Authenticode - Code Signing Certificate" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 5-Year PKI Intermediate CA Certificate" TEMPLATE section RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 5-Year PKI IPSEC Server (Firewall) Certificate" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your 5-Year PKI SSL Server Certificate" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your [tmplname]" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your SAF Browser Certificate 1-Year" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"Retrieve Your SAF Server Certificate 1-Year" TEMPLATE section, RETRIEVECONTENT subsection
"SAF Browser Certificate 1-Year (Auto Approved)" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
"SAF Server Certificate 1-Year (Auto Approved)" TEMPLATE section, CONTENT subsection
Note: Fields (such as the Key Usage (KeyUsage) drop down or the Organizational Unit (OrgUnit) text field) are defined in the pkiserv.tmpl certificate templates file, in the INSERT section. (See Table 1 for descriptions of the fields.)